Chapter 151

Nicole shook her head gently and said, “Take everything out and let me check your


They looked at her and breathed a sigh of relief as she seemed to have returned to normal. Taking out their homework and textbooks, they waited for

Nicole to start the lesson.

Honestly, what they were most looking forward to every day was this period of learning time with their boss, as they could learn a lot of new things every day. Now that they had done a revision on the textbook, Nicole started to prepare them for

comprehensive exercises.

They stared expectantly at Nicole as they began class, but Nicole was looking at their homework and seemed to have spaced out again. Austin and others exchanged glances. They were all sure that

their boss was not quite right today.

Nicole had been very focused on normal days, but

What Jared said to her in the car that day and the scene of him seeing the woman with wavy hair kept appearing in her mind. She felt

He was puzzled because something was amiss today, there was no sound

strangely quiet.

in.” Nicole’s calm voice


in and found that everyone was sitting in their seats, while Nicole also sat

eyebrow with

nodded to him.

Claus left, Nicole stood up. It took her twice as long to check their homework

she gently picked up the cup of coffee and took a sip. She found the coffee tasted a bit odd, but it did not show on her face. Nicole almost forgot

sip of coffee, Nicole had come out of her daze completely. She cleared


time by the time

as there was

and not think

and others looked at Nicole, all with a worried look.

the phone in her pocket rang. She gave Austin an I-will-go-first gesture and then walked out of the café to the

before answering the phone.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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