Chapter 160

The next morning, Nicole got up early for her morning training routine and found that Harvey was not there. His absence did not bother her. She had made it clear to him yesterday, so it was normal for him to stop approaching her.

Nicole went to class nonchalantly. Due to some reasons, everyone in Class B today looked at her with weird looks.

Nicole ignored their gazes. Wayne whispered, “Nicole, how did you make Cain yield to you like that?”

‘Forget about Austin. Even the notorious Cain from the Northon Institute treats Nicole that way?!’

only did Cain have a decent family background, but he was also Celia Rowe’s boyfriend. Most people feared him for his notoriety. He did not bother to give face almost to anyone

glanced at Wayne. She did not feel hostile toward him. “Perhaps he’s afraid

a dozen thugs on her own. He flinched at

no shame. Therefore, Gary was not convinced when Nicole had claimed that all it took was giving Cain a beating to make him submissive. He felt that there must be some other reason. Nicole leaned against her chair’s back, spinning her pen. No one knew what was on her mind. Seeing that Gary’s attention was on Nicole again, Vivian broke the ruler in her hand. Her eyes were glum, and her pretty face was a little contorted with anger when she looked at Nicole. As if she had finally made up her mind on something, she suddenly threw the ruler in

we should not allow Nicole to stay in Class B. She’s a troublemaker, and her presence has affected our learning. Everyone has been talking about her instead of focusing on their monthly exam. It will affect the mentality of good

Collins was one of the top students in Class B, so to Ms. Emerson, her words carried some

confident that once she voiced her opinion, not to mention Nicole’s poor grades, Ms. Emerson would feel worried that Nicole could affect the overall class’s performance in the monthly test. “Therefore, it’s very likely that my words

Emerson, who was

Vivian, the student she had always been proud of. Vivian lowered her eyes, and Ms. Emerson could not tell what she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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