Chapter 541 

Something flashed in Mr.Riddle Sr"s eyes as he looked at the closed door and thought of what Carl had just said.He then turned to look at his son, who was shouting.

There was no trace of sympathy on his face.

"As he should," he said coldly.

‘Would he be threatened by Nicole's friend if he shut his mouth from the start?"

‘That friend of hers is not an ordinary person.It was expected that Dillon would be afraid of him"

‘But how did she meet such a person?’ Mr.Riddle Sr.could not figure it out for the life of him.

He then ignored Dillon, who was still complaining, and walked upstairs.

come with

three of them walk away, she hurriedly went to her father's side.She did not dare speak up for his father at that

her position in the Riddle family

that he was scared of a foreigner.He then cursed and

after, Dexter also turned to

Chloe and

looked at her father, who was deep in thought,

about?" Damien raised his head and glanced at his

thinking about what that

in the ranks? If that's the case, our family might be

daughter, who was

want to disclose his thoughts

go apologize to your mother,

turned around and walked up the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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