Chapter 544 

"Vivian, stop talking about Nicole.What exactly are you doing every day other than framing, spying, and finding a way to alienate Nicole? How did you become like this?"

Vivian looked at Oliver and sneered.

"Did I frame and spy on her? Do you have proof? Oliver, stop shooting your mouth off here.Don't you forget, Nicole has despised all of you who couldn't beat her on the exam.Yet you still trust her and think I'm wrong about her." Oliver frowned.

'The students of the Royal Creek Institute have always been proud of ourselves.As much as I felt not too happy at hearing what Nicole said, she earned that on her own merit.After all, she won the gold medal in the Math Olympiad competition"

Vivian seemed to have read his mind and laughed sarcastically.She looked at Oliver calmly.

"Didn't you go to the award and see how intimate Mr.Wyance treated Nicole that day? Who would believe there is no hanky-panky going on between them? Even Mr.Ellison, who was always impartial, defended Nicole."

now holding all the cards, Vivian looked back at

of Gary scolding her

even do when she scratched

act with impunity again.I'm just doing something good, a favor for our schoolmates" Vivian

received is real, Nicole?" Everyone

justified, all eyes were on Nicole, as people could not

her gaze sharp

here.Aren't you afraid that I

her eyes and shivered in fright.She would never forget

the situation did not allow

fight.You're at school.Besides, all I'm asking is a factual guess.I dare you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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