Chapter 572 

Elijah looked at his sister, still expressionless.He then looked at the others, who had different expressions.

"You can't.Not only you, but we all can't do it."

‘What?! This time, even Eber was a little surprised.

‘Merry is a well-known robotic expert in the family.Yet Elijah said not even she was qualified to study the drawing.What is he thinking, or who is he waiting for? Since the start of the crisis, Elijah has been under tremendous pressure, but he still seems to be confident"Thinking of this, there was a thoughtful look in his eyes.

'I'm stodgy, but not stupid.None of us in the Turmann family is stupid.If I can think of it, anyone who can sit at this table can."

Hearing her eldest brother's dismissal of her ability, Merry was surprisingly calm and looked at Elijah with a faint disdain in her eyes.

anymore, Elijah.If even I can't understand the drawing, then no one else would.Just take out the drawings, would

this point, a shallow sense of self-satisfaction appeared

glance at her, and asked, "Who told you I was waiting for someone

time, Merry could not find a

in shock, suspecting that this leader of theirs was not

robotic specialist.If the family members could not understand the drawing of the Dodge Tomahawk, then absolutely no

almost cried out, "Absolutely not! Elijah, stop kidding

stood up and looked almost angrily at Elijah across from her,

frowned; they both agreed with

drawings and they could not,

opened their mouths and wanted to say something,

it must be her errant nephew.She was only

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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