Chapter 1681

If it was not for her astute observation on how strong Chloe was, she would not have gotten that idea.

However, she had not expected her idea smite Nachelle's heart.

"Of course, I love it.Screenwriter, please come over here and change this scene according to what Nicole had said," Nachelle ordered.


The screenwriter quickly came over to cross check the lines with Nicole while Chloe was still left perplexed.

‘what does this even mean? Her action scenes just changed...just like that? And now...she has to beat me up?!" she panicked.

Chloe was traumatized at the thought of reshooting the scene again.Her face still burned from the slap earlier.

"Let's go and get your face touched up, Miss Chloe."

Chloe's manager hurried her to have her makeup done upon noticing the mark of the palm on her face.

Nicole looked at Chloe's figure as the latter retreated, and the corner of her lips lifted by a little.


Nicole thought.

minutes later, the screenwriter had implemented the minor changes in the script, and

this moment, Chloe felt a little uneasy when she saw

Nicole smiled at Chloe.

don't be so nervous.I'll go easy on


lowered her voice and threatened Nicole, "Just you wait and see.I'll

in her movements

would be gentle, but since my lovely cousin here has decided to just threaten me like

"How dare you?!"

Chloe roared angrily.

Nicole did not hesitate and went straight up for another slap to

you think

of the slap caused everyone's

eyes widened in horror, taken aback by Nicole's sudden smack on her cheek before the filming had

was about to burst into tears, but before she could, Nicole said, "Chloe, you should hurry up and file a complaint so that Nachelle can fire you on

Chloe bit her lip.

her and if she proceeded with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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