In the backyard of the villa, a helicopter waited on the lawn, ready for immediate departure from San Joto.

"Get in," Lawrence said to Nicole, noticing her momentary pause.

"Alright," Nicole responded, stepping into the helicopter first.

She figured it was best to go along for now, seeing no viable way to escape.

Resistance seemed futile.

With everyone on board, the helicopter lifted off, quickly gaining altitude and leaving the area behind.

As the helicopter shrank to a mere speck in the sky, Doretta made her appearance, her expression one of deep concern.

Without wasting a moment, she hurried away from the scene.

Her destination was clear: the Riddle residence.

the study, Jared

you here?" "Nicole has been taken by Lawrence," Doretta

with Nicole, I

turned back, only to see

people." Jared's expression darkened when he realized Lawrence

to return, they might not have

have Max work

rescue her immediately," Jared

Doretta said, shaking her

message to you instead." She was shocked at Nicole's gesture, but she refrained from attempting a rescue and chose to follow

plan?" Jared's expression turned more serious as he thought, 'It must be so, otherwise why wouldn't she let

they've left ona

them from leaving San Joto." "Did she say anything else?" Jared's eyes narrowed slightly, indicating that since Nicole willingly left with Lawrence, she

"Nicole mentioned going to Mecrounia." Jared fell


Doretta agreed and quickly left

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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