Chapter 26

“And, Russell, as soon as he saw me getting attacked online, he immediately wanted to divorce me to distance himself. My parents berated me for my moral decay, regretting that they had ever given birth to a daughter like me. Everyone has abandoned me, and I don’t know how to go on anymore!.

Veronica’s expression was one of absolute despair as she finished speaking. She buried her face in her hands, crying with a wrenching sob that seemed to come from the depths of her heart.

The reporter, touched by her distress, comforted her. “Don’t be so upset, Miss Webb. This isn’t your fault. You were deceived by Russell. You’re just a young girl caught up in love. It’s understandable that you made a mistake. But no matter what, you need to stay strong. Don’t give up on your life just because of this,” After consoling her, the reporter released Veronica, gazing thoughtfully at the camera. “I believe many people, just like me, will stand by your side after hearing your story. We’ll help you seek forgiveness from your sister, Violet, and your family. As for Russell, he’s just a scoundrel. Now that you’ve recognized his true nature, it’s best to stay away from him in the future. There’s no need to feel sad because of him. Many young girls encounter scoundrels. You don’t have to think of yourself as foolish. Always remember, you didn’t make a mistake. The scoundrel did. You’re still young with a bright future ahead. You shouldn’t give up on yourself so easily. You should pick yourself up and enjoy the beautiful life ahead.”

The video ended at this point. However, Violet instantly understood Veronica’s intentions. Clearly, Veronica tried to gain public sympathy by pretending to take her own life, and this tactic worked extremely well. After hearing her interview, people felt deep sympathy for her and left comforting and supportive comments online.

Violet checked the comments section and saw many netizens expressing their support for Veronica.

Besides, you’ve all noticed, right?

feel the same way. And about that video in the restaurant where the couple flirted under the table, so what? Veronica didn’t know Russell was deceiving her.”

that scoundrel. Even her own sister and family won’t forgive her. How can she go on like this? If it were me facing something like this, I’d

age, must be on the verge of a breakdown. Honestly, how can Violet treat her like this? I mean, they’re sisters

a mistake, and she’s being

if Veronica copied her work, why didn’t she speak up two years ago when she was the one getting copied? She could endure it back then, but now

stranger would surely forgive her. But Violet continues to persecute her. She’s just too malicious.”

all support you. Stay away from scoundrels and protect

were still some rational comments in the comment section. Some people pointed out that while there was not enough evidence to prove Veronica was lying, it was also not right

stand with the perceived underdog, and there were not many willing to calm down and critically

drama unfold and observed the online supporters who saw themselves as champions of justice for Veronica, she felt a sense of irony. She had to give credit to Veronica. She was truly clever. She had seized the opportunity, shifted the blame onto Russell, and fully portrayed herself as a helpless victim. With her suicidal attempt, she had

a tarnished reputation, with Veronica shifting all the blame

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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