Chapter 176
In the darkness….
Patrick pounced over and fell on Violet’s b*dy. The two of them collided. with the wall behind them. Violet could hear Patrick’s groan of pain.
He used his b*dy to protect Violet. The faint smell of mint assailed Violet’s nostrils. Violet’s tears immediately surged out.
Violet was extremely worried and flustered. She had never known that her voice could sound so panic. “Patrick, are you alright? Are you alright?”
She had no idea how deep Yvonne’s cut was. Her tears fell uncontrollably.
Yvonne did not expect such an outcome. The dagger in her hand fell to the ground.
She was so shocked that she shrieked. Patrick!”
She took a step back in a panic. Her voice sounded like she was about to cry. Her tone was flustered and hysterical. “No… It wasn’t me! I didn’t do it on purpose! Why did you block it for her?”
She really did not know why things had turned out like this. She clearly liked Patrick so much.
But just now, she had actually hurt him.
Patrick endured the pain and was about to negotiate with Draco.
He could see more clearly than Yvonne that Black Dragon wanted to keep
them all here.
Money could make the world go round.
He believed that as long as he paid enough money and promised not to pursue this matter, people like Draco would definitely be willing to let him and Violet go.
However, before he could speak, a sharp voice suddenly came from outside. “Don’t move!”
Chapter 176
Before Draco could react, he was kicked to the ground by the first person who rushed in and quickly controlled him.
Then, a bright flashlight shone in.
A group of police officers rushed in and instantly subdued Draco and

Nelson followed closely behind. His voice filled with worry. “Mr. Hersey,
Miss Webb!”
In one day, Violet had gone to the hospital twice.
It was already past eleven in the evening.
Patrick was sent to the operating theatre to get his wound stitched up. Violet thought of Patrick pouncing on her in that remote brick house and blocking in front of her. Her eyes immediately shimmered in tears.
She was not cold-hearted even if Patrick told her not to have any thoughts.
about him.
However, he was cold on the outside but warm on the inside. She was still touched by how nice he treated her.
Nelson looked at Violet’s sad expression and could not help but comfort. her. “Miss Webb, don’t worry too much. Mr. Hersey will be fine!”
When Violet heard this, her voice instantly sounded like she was crying. “Before he blocked the dagger for me, he was seriously injured!”
Nelson felt a little helpless. “Those are just superficial wounds. He will be
Violet was about to say something when the door of the operating theater opened.
Patrick was pushed out. Because the dagger cut was on his back, he was lying face-down on the hospital bed.
He looked exceptionally pale. Violet immediately rushed over. “Patrick!”
13:11 Tue, Jan 23
Chapter 176
Patrick glanced at her. He wanted to say that he was fine, but when he saw that her eyes were as red as a rabbit’s, he could not tell how he felt. “Why aren’t you calling me Mr. Hersey anymore?”
In the past, he had asked her to call him Mr. Hersey so that he could. distance himself. He did not know when it started, but every time he heard her call him that, he felt extremely uncomfortable!
However, at this moment, he actually felt a little uncomfortable when she called out his name.
He hoped she wouldn’t be so upset.
Violet’s eyes immediately turned even redder. “Patrick, it’s my fault. If it wasn’t for saving me, you wouldn’t have been so seriously injured!”
Patrick saw that her eyes were extremely red. He frowned slightly and interrupted her. “This has nothing to do with you. It was an accident!”
Violet pursed his lips and looked tense. “How do you feel now?”
She looked at Patrick carefully as if he were an easily breakable porcelain
Patrick felt a little helpless. He said calmly, “It’s just a superficial wound. I won’t die! I can be discharged tomorrow!”
Violet looked a little pitiful. “Really?”
Patrick had never seen this side of Violet before. He looked at her and his voice subconsciously softened. “Really, I didn’t even use anesthesia. Is there a need to lie to you?”
Patrick sighed in his heart. No matter how much he did not want to admit it, he could not deny that he was really attracted to Violet.
He had never felt such a feeling before. His mind was completely affected. by one person.
It was a little bad, but it was also a little sweet.
Seeing that Violet’s emotions had finally eased a little, Patrick heaved a
13:11 Tue, Jan 23
Chapter 176
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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