Need You Now

Chapter 6 met him again

The next day, in the Xu clan's mansion, Heidy Hua and Jack Xu appeared side by side. Amy stood up and greeted enthusiastically, "Jack, Heidy, you are back."

Walking into the living room, Heidy was silent for a few seconds and bowed to them, "Dad, mom."

Jacob Xu glanced at her indifferently and said coldly, "I heard from Jack that you are going to divorce him? You have owned the Hua Group thanks to Jack. Since your company has been in such a huge mess this time, if we JA group don't help you, I'm afraid that the Hua Group will not be listed in the listed company in city A. "

Hearing this, Heidy frowned and said solemnly, "although Jack is the general manager, he is not the only one who can run the company. Since the Hua group and the JA group had been in a cooperative relationship, the former was in a win-win situation. Dad, Hua group was as important as JA group. As for my divorce, Jack has betrayed me when he tried to seduce my sister. "

"Divorce is not a problem. Hua Group as your post-marital property, Jack has the right to get half of it." Said Jacob Xu calmly.

With her eyes wide open, Heidy looked pale and said decisively, "it's impossible. The Hua group is my dad's heritage and the painstaking efforts of his whole life."

not up to you whether you give it or not. Heidy, think it over if you want

embarrassing, so she quickly held Jacob's hand with a smile and said, "well, don't talk about these things. Today, we are going to have

said that if she dared to divorce, he would definitely stop the cooperation with the Hua group. This was undoubtedly adding insult to injury

up and warmly called to the door, "Hearst,

her eyebrows instinctively. She turned around and was

I mentioned to you before. According to my father,

lips. It turned out that he was Jack's

was also surprised and after a while he responded, "uncle, nice to meet you. Have

one of his hands into the pocket of his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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