Need You Now

Chapter 31 I am in good physical strength

In the mansion, Heidy stood by the French window with her arms crossed in front of the chest, dressed in a gauze dress. She looked out of the window at the night scene, lost in thought.

Perhaps it was because the environment was too quiet that Heidy recalled the news she read today. They couldn't see the scene for a long time. In front of the bed, hugging a newly born boy with both hands. Seeing that he was asleep quietly with his eyes closed, Heidy's eyes were empty. A small life came into this world from her body.

When she was still in a daze, a middle-aged man came in and took the child away from her. He told her that the child would have nothing to do with her. Then the man left with the child. When she was discharged from the hospital, Heidy was sent back. She had been trying to keep it a secret.

Thinking of those comments, Heidy smiled bitterly. In fact, even if she had been pregnant for some reason, the fact that she had been pregnant could not be changed. At the thought of the scornful eyes of the doctor and the strange child, she trembled with coldness.

Suddenly, a pair of hands wrapped around her slender waist from behind. Then she leaned her back against a warm chest. With her eyes wide open, Heidy turned her head and found Hearst hugging her from behind.

Then he leaned forward and held her in his arms. Her heart thumped, and Heidy was distracted for a moment. "Mr. Tan." Said Heidy softly.

Said Hearst in a low voice. Then he lowered his head and kissed her earlobe, which made her feel limp and numb. "What are you thinking? So focused?" Said Hearst in a hoarse voice.

Staring ahead, Heidy smiled bitterly, "in the past, just as the comments said, I am a little low. I have done all those shameless and ungrateful things. Like now, I'm having sex with you. "

Noticing the emotional fluctuation in her voice, Hearst frowned. Hearst pressed her shoulders with both hands and turned around. Heidy raised her head and their eyes met. "You are not." Said Hearst seriously.

Her heart thumped and her eyelashes fluttered. Heidy stared at him blankly. After a while, Heidy chuckled, "you don't know me well. How do you know I'm not that kind of bitch? Although we want to cooperate with you for the Hua group, in another word, for the money. "

Then, he rubbed against her cheeks with his fingers and gazed into her eyes. He said in a cold voice, "you don't care about the money. What you care about is your father."

Her fingertips turned pale. Without realizing it, she tightly squeezed her own flesh. His eyes were so deep that as if he could read her mind. Silence reigned for a long time. Heidy nodded, "yes, my father is the most important person in the world for me. His hard work can't be destroyed by me. "

Looking at her, Hearst replied calmly and firmly, "no, I'm here with you."

Looking at the man in front of her, with a light smile on her lips, Heidy said: "thank you, Mr. Tan. Then I will go to take a shower. We will start later." As she spoke, she turned around. When she was about to take a step, her wrist was caught. She turned around and looked at him, puzzled.

today." Said Hearst lightly.

surprise in her eyes, Heidy said in astonishment, "cancel

replied indifferently, "you just got

bridge just now, she

are not just physically working together." Once he really forced her back then, it was his answer. But now, he had a crush on her, not only

at him blankly and said nothing. After

his watch, he said calmly, "let's go to the study

at him in confusion

study. Heidy didn't struggle. She quietly walked behind him, looking at their hands holding together. They came to the study and sat face to face.

ambitious man. Since you and Jack have divorced, he has no chance to get the Hua group again. In this case,

is the largest company in city

that he was no match for the J.Y group. Since ten years ago, the Hua group and the JA group had been competing and working together. From his point of view, only by swallowing the Hua Group will

help asking again, "Mr. Tan, what's your relationship with the

the founder of the J.Y group. And Noah is in charge of managing

still deeply shocked by what she had heard. She had investigated that the J.Y group enjoyed a very high position

face. Some reporters even guessed that the boss of the company might be a pauper. "Mr. Tan, you look so young. How old are you?" Said Heidy without

nine. It's not old to have you as my wife." Then Hearst said slowly, "I have good

and more fond of joking, sir." Heidy

here, with the help of the J.Y

about being framed."

enhance your management knowledge

nodded, "Okay, I got it.

from now on. According to our original rules, the time for

Heidy asked hesitantly, "Mr. Tan, can you tell me why you want me

was drunk

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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