Need You Now

Chapter 12 I want you to have a baby for me

Heidy Hua knew there was no free lunch in the world. It was a good thing that Hearst Tan had a thing for her. After all, she was not so stupid as to let someone help her without any reason. However, when she knew Hearst's condition, she couldn't accept it so easily.

With a faint smile on her lips, Heidy nodded, "Okay, I promise..."

Seeing her hesitation, Hearst raised his hand to stop her and said calmly, "there's no need to make a decision in such a short time. You will need time to think about it."

Surprised, Heidy looked at him perplexedly. Was it difficult? "For me, nothing is more important than protecting my father's company. For me, there is nothing to lose. " Said Heidy calmly.

Hearst supported his head with one hand, looked into her eyes and said slowly, "including you?"

What? She looked at him in surprise and asked. "What do you mean?" Heidy asked.

arms and stared at her with deep eyes. He coldly replied, "I want you. Give

horror, Heidy went pale and her eyes were full of astonishment. Slowly, the palm drooping over her body twisted. Heidy fixed her eyes on his

teacup and took a sip of the tea, Hearst replied coldly, "you

and slightly bit her lips. She could have agreed

Hearst said in a low voice, "come here at 8 o'clock

calm face, Heidy nodded, "OK, eight o'clock tomorrow night." Then she turned around and

didn't change much. The assistant stepped forward, bowed and asked, "boss, will

down the teacup, put one of his hands into the pocket, and said to assistant in a low voice, "she has no choice." Then he turned around

"why do I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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