Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 9

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 9

“We’ve found some clues,” Finnick stated simply.

“That’s great!” Another grin appeared on Stiles’ face. “And here I was, wondering how you were going to repay her for what she had done. I had hoped that you would offer yourself up to her, but it turns out that you’ve already given yourself to another woman.”

Finnick completely ignored his friend’s shameless teasing.

Stiles pouted a little, seeing as he was unable to get a rise out of the other man. Then, his gaze shifted to Finnick’s wheelchair as his eyes gleamed. “Finnick, have you told your wife about your legs yet?”

Finnick, who had been scrolling through the finance department reports, stopped moving his mouse.

A few beats later, he muttered, “No.”

Stiles furrowed his brows. “Finnick, it’s not that I want to be a nag, but it really doesn’t matter what reason you’ve married her for. Since you’re already husband and wife, are you sure that you still want to keep the truth from her? Maybe…”

Here he paused for several seconds, debating on whether or not he should continue. At long last, he gritted his teeth and forged on, “Maybe you should try to accept your new wife. You can’t always live in the shadows of the past.”

He was all too familiar with Finnick’s personality. Although Finnick had insisted that the only reason that he had married the woman was to deal with his grandfather, there was no way that he would accept marriage and living together with her, unless he had truly liked her.

Finnick did not speak. A short while later, he was done reading through the reports. Only then did he respond in a soft voice.

“I can’t forget about her.”

Stiles was rather stunned.

He took a closer look at Finnick’s face, noticing the calm indifference on it. Pity flashed in his eyes.

The car accident that had happened ten years ago was a nightmare for everyone.

Everybody thought that Finnick had lost the use of his legs in that car crash.

It turned out that they were all wrong.


work, Molly and Liam came into

Liam, what

son is getting married tomorrow, so we’re going to

many days will

City, so we’ll be back tomorrow night.” Molly smiled pleasantly. However, a worried expression crossed her face when she turned to look at Finnick.

Vivian was speechless.

the rich live? It’s merely breakfast! Do they really need to hire someone to

deep voice interrupted her thoughts. “Vivian, you know how

with his

in the morning, she

brief flicker of amusement in Finnick’s eyes before it was

enough then,”

The next morning.

woke up an hour earlier than normal

Finnick down when he had appeared

“Do you have batteries?”

her a moment to realize that he was holding an electric shaver in his

him, she checked the battery slot. “You need


eyed the stubble lining his jaw, confirming that he really did need a shave. “Are there any


she pressed, “There’s

He shook his head.

wept at the way that these rich

frustration. “Maybe you could get

later that I can’t afford to be late to.” Finnick’s brows furrowed and he

stared at him for a while until it clicked in her brain. She soon understood the reason that he was

not help but find him rather adorable at the moment. Pursing her lips, she continued, “I know how to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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