Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 82

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 82

Looking at the elderly Mr. Norton in front of her, Vivian suddenly realized he was no longer the ruthless and powerful head of the Norton family. Instead, he seemed to be an ordinary old man who just wanted his grandson to be happy.

“But,” He added abruptly in a serious tone. “Don’t forget what your greatest responsibility is.”

By now, Vivian was lost and could hardly follow his train of thought. “What responsibility?”

“Help him continue his legacy, of course.” the old man glared at Vivian with his eyes widened as if he was angry at her ignorance. “Look, Mark’s children are already so big but Finnick has yet to have any despite his age.”

Vivian almost choked on her own saliva.

After beating around the bush, he just wants to remind me about having children with Finnick?

Although Finnick and Mark were brothers, their age gap was quite big. Mark was almost fifty while Finnick hadn’t even reached thirty yet.

in reputable families to marry early and have many children

was lost for words. However, the elder Mr. Norton squinted his eyes and murmured, “Girl,

Vivian felt utterly

he even find out about

His eyes suddenly flashed as he asked hesitantly. “Finnick… does he have trouble getting

from the earlier shock. After hearing the elder Mr. Norton’s question, her face blushed

kind of a grandfather is

which caused Finnick to lose control of his legs. Since then, I have always been worried about the state of his ‘vitality’ in that aspect. All this while, I wanted to get a doctor to help

worried he was, her heart

that Finnick had even hidden the truth about his legs from his grandfather. That’s why

couldn’t bear to see him worry, she gritted her teeth and thickened her skin, “I-I think Finnick d-doesn’t have

was surprised. “How do you

wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. “There are times when… you know. I can… erm… see his


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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