Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 86

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 86

It was supposed to be a grand party that day, yet it was ruined by someone putting up such a photo. Whether the purpose was to humiliate the Norton family or Vivian, the act itself was preposterous.

Mr. Zane nodded, “Yes. The culprit is the fiancée of your grandson, Ms. Miller.”

Hearing the name of the culprit did not surprise elder Mr. Norton. Rather, he scoffed upon hearing that name, “As I’ve expected. I’ve suspected it since the beginning. That girl ain’t no saint. She’s a troublemaker.”

Mr. Zane chipped in blankly, “Perhaps it has something to do with the relationship between Ms. William and your grandson back in their university days.”

Nodding in admission, elder Mr. Norton sighed, “Both nephew and uncle ended up falling for the same woman. Us Norton family are to be blamed too for instigating such a thing.”

“But Ms. William is the only lady that has attracted the attention of your second son. No matter what, I’m sure you will continue to support their relationship.” Mr. Zane had been the confidant of elder Mr. Norton for many years and could obviously understand the latter’s thoughts well.

“You’re right.” Rubbing his tired eyes, elder Mr. Norton continued, “As for that nuisance surnamed Miller, go and inform Fabian about her nefarious deed.”

“Don’t you want to personally dal with her?”

“Meh, a mere wildling? She’s not worthy for me to personally make a move.” Sneering, elder Mr. Norton pointed out, “If Fabian can’t even manage his own woman, then he is not worthy to be a part of the Norton family.”

understand.” Acknowledging his orders, Mr.

window at the moon. His mind suddenly remembered the scene on the dance floor, where Finnick was actually smiling happily while

been… Since I last saw

to let Finnick meet a woman who can finally make him

now, his only wish was for both of them to produce an offspring

worrying about them both, the amorous,

chair. Propping his head against his hand, his eyes

late into the night, Vivian kept tossing and turning on the bed, unable to sleep. After a long silence, she meekly voiced out,

but replied nonchalantly, “What

then continued, “How does your grandpa… Know that both of us have not

told him that,” explained Finnick matter-of-factly. “After all, both of them are grandpa’s people. Even though they said that they were sent

all away. It turned out

to keep an eye on him out of genuine concern, no one would like to

which…” Vivian hesitated for a moment before venturing, “Why don’t you be honest with your grandpa and tell him that you’re not disabled? I can feel that he cares for you very

eyes and affirmed, “I know he cares for me a lot. After all, he is well advanced in age and is looking forward to enjoying quiet family

head in confusion, she asked curiously, “What

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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