Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 96

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 96

The others from the magazine company had also noticed the man and shrieked as they dispersed.

The man was clearly aiming for Fabian. He accelerated as the crowd dispersed in fear. The man uttered, “Fabian Norton! You bastard! You caused me to lose my job! Die!”

Fabian was born with a silver spoon, and he had never experienced anything like this before. He was frozen on the ground, completely stunned as the knife was edging closer to him.

Vivian rushed over to the man without hesitation.

She clutched at the man’s arm in an attempt to stop him from harming Fabian.

The man did not expect that he was going to be stopped by Vivian, and retracted a few steps back. He turned around to face Vivian as he grimaced. “B*tch! How dare you stop me? I’m going to kill you first!”

Then, he aimed his knife at Vivian.

a few steps back. Before she could steady herself, the knife was already aiming

and there was no time for her to

regained composure after seeing that the

as he rushed to

it was

had stabbed


coursed through her body. She shivered from

time, Fabian rushed toward the man and punched him in the

and karate from a young age. He was just stunned from

man on the floor. He rushed

heart sank at the sight of

the befuddled crowd. “What are you guys waiting for?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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