Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 99

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 99

Deafening silence ensued. Finnick parted his lips, and Vivian thought he was about to question her again. She was fumbling for an explanation in her head. However, he merely said, “Take a good rest. I’ll ask Molly to send over some chicken soup.”

Vivian was stumped. She lifted her head to look at Finnick. Just when she was perplexed about Finnick letting her off the hook, he covered her eyes with his palms.

“Sleep. We’ll talk when you wake up.”

Finnick’s voice was deep, and it brushed past her ears like a feather.

Vivian just took some painkillers, and it made her feel quite drowsy. She nodded and dozed off into sleep.

Strangely, she found that it was much easier to fall asleep with Finnick by her side.

When Vivian was about to fall asleep, she felt a soft touch on her forehead.

Then, she heard a low sigh.

“Vivian William, what am I going to do with you?”

reached the hospital after Vivian had fallen asleep. He brought along Molly’s chicken

he entered

he turned around and noticed that Vivian was fast asleep. He shut his mouth instantly and followed

after they were in the corridor. “Have

the security guard. A lot of people saw

“So, what happened?”

a food processing factory. The factory went bankrupt and did not pay the wages of their workers. A derailed

Finnick’s gaze darkened. “Continue.”

but Mrs. Norton dashed over to protect Fabian. The derailed worker was enraged and stabbed

Finnick’s every expression when he was


Noah was stymied.

cared a lot about Mrs. Norton. Am I mistaken

“What else?” Finnick said.

that Fabian was especially nervous about Mrs. Norton getting hurt,” Noah added.

gaze darkened

Finnick seemed unfazed

sweat. He nodded and prepared to leave. He accidentally caught a glance at Finnick’s wheelchair

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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