Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 103

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 103

If she were a woman who worshipped the rich and gave up everything for money, she would not have saved him when he was in danger.

Have I misunderstood something about her these two years?

Frustration was overwhelming Fabian.

Whenever he thought about the possibility of him having misunderstood Vivian, he became agitated. Yet, he felt it was impossible that he had been mistaken.

After a long while of feeling conflicted, he finally took his phone and made a call.

“Hello? It’s me,” Fabian uttered when the call was picked up, “Check something for me. Investigate it. I want the truth.”

After reaching home, Vivian took a long shower and finally got rid of the disinfectant smell of the hospital.

Sleep took control over her soon after she lay on her bed.

She did not like being in hospitals, so she had not slept well the few nights she had spent there. Now, she was finally back.


head sank into the soft pillow, Vivian

Vivian felt a wave of

not wanting to turn back to her spot. She ended up falling

the evening, when Finnick entered the bedroom, he saw Vivian lying on his

second before curling his lips

the door, he silently stood up from the wheelchair and walked

and did

into the blanket, but when he lifted the blanket he saw the wound on her arm. He could not help but furrow

to keep her wound away from water, some water had still made its way there. The bandage

swirled in Finnick’s

can’t she take better

her bandage, but when he looked at her deep in slumber—she was even drooling on his pillow—he could not bring himself

he picked up the medication on the table that Vivian brought back from the hospital and placed it on the bed. He

her hand. In the beginning, she took no notice of it, but pain abruptly exploded

swab in his hand. The bandage on her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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