Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 184

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 184

For a moment, Vivian’s heart softened. After all, Fabian was the lover with whom she spent the best moments of her life.

However, nothing stayed the same; everything had changed. She met Finnick, and he…

Thinking of Ashley, she pushed herself away from Fabian’s embrace. “Fabian, you still have Ashley. Aren’t you marrying her soon? I can see that she loves you. Both of you will be happy.”

When Vivian mentioned Ashley, Fabian became exceptionally agitated. He seemed disgusted by her.

He shouted, “Don’t mention her name! Do you know why I’m marrying her? That’s because the two of you look alike. I want to use her to take revenge on you. I’ve never loved her; I only have you in my heart. Vivian, I’m remorseful. I hated you so much back then because I love you. I love you, Vivian!”

Vivian was surprised to hear Fabian’s confession. His eyes were as sincere and passionate as they used to be.

fear; he thought she was someone bad, and he could not believe in her. Only at that moment when he risked his

college. Let’s go back together, shall we? Let’s go back to the campus. We’re the perfect match.” The way Fabian

looked extraordinarily beautiful tonight. He was lost in her

were the only ones in the office. The sky had darkened, and outside the window were the city lights. It was a perfect moment to

tragic it was, every piece

became a couple, they were practically the talk of the college. He rode his bicycle to pick her up to college and sent her back home. They ate together, watched movies together, and did social work

years ago. After that, their happiness had shattered and faded away. Fabian’s earlier ruthlessness and indifference had become a

we’re both adults. Let the past stay in the past. We

me…” Fabian took slow steps toward her. “Give me a chance. Give me one

she eventually hit the wall in the corner. A tinge of fear coated her heart, and she muttered, “Fabian, don’t come any closer. You’re drunk. I don’t blame you for this. Don’t come any closer.

fell in love with someone

telling me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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