Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 742

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 742

Finnick was carefully bandaging Vivian’s injury when he suddenly sensed a droplet splashing on his arm. When he looked up, he saw that she was silently crying, tears streaming down her face like a faucet.

Meticulously tying the bandage, he then got up and sat down beside Vivian, holding her close to him in silent consolation.

In no time, the ambulance arrived. The medical personnel transported Evelyn onto the stretcher and sent her to the hospital for treatment.

As Rachel stared at the light that remained lit above the operating theater, she was restless, afraid that something would happen to Evelyn. When she spotted Vivian and the other two people who tagged along, she couldn’t help venting her anger on them. Of course, her main target was Vivian.

“You’re happy now, huh?” Pointing a finger at Vivian, she castigated her, snarling, “I truly don’t understand why you won’t let Evelyn go! Yes, she did something bad to you, but you’re obviously fine. Why must you still pursue the matter?”

that she ended up in such a state. It was her who had me trick Vivian into the house, and she even wanted to poison Vivian again to kill her. I truly can’t bear to aid and abet her anymore, so I told

Evelyn is truly growing increasingly audacious! When she regains consciousness, I must figure

stunned for a moment before she shook her head resolutely, not at all believing Hunter. “Nonsense! My Evelyn is the kindest person, so how could she possibly do that? She did

Vivian heard from her, the harder

and uphold justice for myself when Evelyn attempted to kill me, yet she’s already this distressed, acting as though I’ve done something grievous to Evelyn!

side with me and feel sorry for me. Rather, I merely hoped that she’d view the matter between me and Evelyn objectively

Evelyn truly succeeded in killing me this time,

you dislike Evelyn, but you can’t defame her like this! If she were truly this malicious, she wouldn’t have donated her bone marrow

eyes turned red. “Instead, it’s her who’s in the operating theater now.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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