Chapter 49

After Rey finished speaking, he immediately tried to cover his mouth. He knew that Elliot didn’t want to hear this.

Upon hearing this, Elliot snorted coldly. Nigel really has nothing to do all day long; he’s focusing all his efforts on pursuing women.

As he narrowed his eyes, he reached out to dial the internal line.

“Hello, who is it?” Anastasia’s sweet voice came from the other side.

“I warned you not to get too close to my cousin. Are you not taking it seriously?” Elliot said coldly.

“Why are you such a busybody, Elliot? You are the boss of the company, but after work, you are nobody to me,” Anastasia retorted mulishly.

Elliot’s face darkened at once. This woman really had the ability to be irritating.

“If you dare to play with his heart—”

It’s none of your business.” Anastasia hung up the phone as soon as she

really uncouth. Why

office as she charged downstairs. Nigel’s off-road vehicle was parked

into the passenger seat of the car before she said to him, “Let’s go

who was still in her work uniform, and his fascination with her flashed across his eyes. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever

in her heart. “I like

little boy at school, he was very happy. He sat in the safety seat specially prepared for him in the

learned aloud.

to school. I mustn’t cry or make trouble,

Jared to sing even louder. In fact, he sang it several times. Even Nigel hummed along, and there was a happy atmosphere in

handsome face, his wish to become the father of this child heightened in his heart. Although

on the woman opposite him. As long as she agreed, he would immediately marry her and give them both a safe and secure place to call

disagreed with Nigel’s way of showing affection for her son. Fortunately, her son was not the

that it was rented to her by the company. Thus, it seemed that it was

kiss before you go.” Nigel hugged the little boy, who kissed his cheek at once. Then, Nigel looked at the woman next to him and wanted her to kiss him too, but he didn’t have the courage to ask. At this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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