Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 691-700

In the afternoon, Anastasia made a call to Lorelai before she left for the restaurant where she had made a reservation.

Lorelai was the first to arrive between the two, as she set off from the company.

Around 11.50AM, a woman in business attire turned up by the entrance. She had her raven hair styled in an updo. Her whole appearance set her off gracefully, giving her amorous vibes.

Lorelai had heard from her father that Anastasia had taken over Bourgeois. She always thought Anastasia would be content with being a housewife, so Lorelai was surprised to see the woman become a chairwoman of a jewelry company right after marriage.

It was obvious that Anastasia was not a woman who lacked motivation and only sought pleasure in her life. Having her own career turned her into a more competent woman.

A woman like her was more attractive than ordinary housewives, and it was hard for men to resist her charm. Anastasia didn’t even need the help from Elliot to shine.

Lorelai couldn’t help but feel envious of her, as Anastasia got off on the right foot with a favorable background of her husband’s family.

No matter how hard Lorelai tried and how determined she was for her goals, as long as her family could not provide her with a better opportunity, she would still need to work for others. On the contrary, Anastasia was managing a listed jewelry company right after marriage, which had a market value of more than 10 billion.

“Anastasia.” Lorelai stood with a smile as Anastasia made her way to the table.

“Long time no see.” With ease, Anastasia took a seat opposite her.

“I heard that you had taken over Bourgeois. You’re amazing.” Lorelai gave her a heartfelt compliment.

“You are thinking too highly of me. I am just trying to find something to pass time because I get bored at home. Elliot wants me to have fun rather than trying to make a killing.” There was a hint of love in Anastasia’s tone as she said that.

Lorelai had a smile on her face, but the smile did not reach her eyes. “That’s quite sweet of Elliot.”

Happiness was written all over Anastasia’s face. “You’re not wrong. Other than my dad, he is the second man who spoils me rotten.”

“When are you going to have a second child? I remember that Jared is going to be seven soon, isn’t he?” Lorelai was curious.

“We’re not making any plans at the moment. It will come naturally.” Anastasia smiled at the thought. Just then, her phone rang, interrupting their conversation. “Excuse me for a moment.” She nodded at Lorelai and picked up the call. “Hello?”

At the end of the call, Anastasia had already made a decision. “In the future, Bourgeois will never consider the artist from this company to act as our brand’s spokesperson.”

Throughout the call, Anastasia had remained a serious face and once she ended it, Lorelai could finally express her curiosity.”What happened? Is something wrong?”

“It was just about an artist who overestimated her own boundaries,” Anastasia explained casually, but her eyes seemed to bore into Lorelai’s soul. “She tried to seduce Elliot right under my nose in a conference not long ago, but I happened to be aware of it.”

Lorelai’s smile stiffened slowly, and she hung her head low in shame. “That artist must be out of her mind to mess with you.”

“I cut off her endorsement contract and gave her a warning. I am going to blacklist her if she dares to do it again the second time. At present, none of the artists from her company will be given the opportunity to become Bourgeois’ spokesperson.” Anastasia’s smile was gentle, but her eyes pierced through Lorelai intensely.

Lorelai’s knuckles turned white as she held onto her cup tightly, unable to speak as a result. She was aware that it was a warning coming from Anastasia.

“Do you think I made the right choice?” Anastasia questioned with a hint of amusement. As if on cue, Lorelai agreed with her statement. “Right, I thought so too. Nobody shall think about sabotaging your marriage.”

“She is far from being a threat, more like an eyesore to get rid of.” Anastasia sipped her tea and changed the topic. “Let’s not dwell on this matter. We shall talk about something else instead. Have you found a job already?”

“I am currently working in a financial firm.” Lorelai nodded at her.

“Knowing you, I have no doubts you could find a great job. However, it is important to seek love too.” Anastasia smiled.

“I am devoted to my work, and I don’t have any free time to pursue a relationship.”

“I can introduce someone to you if I find them suitable.” Anastasia was enthusiastic about the topic.

“I’m good. You don’t have to.” Lorelai gave a dismissive wave at her suggestion hastily.

Anastasia didn’t insist on it as Lorelai declined. In the meantime, the food was served, so they had steered their conversation to other topics. Anastasia believed that the latter could understand her meaning, even though she had not spoken the obvious.

After finishing their lunch, they both got up to leave. Lorelai took out a suit and showed it to her. “This is the suit Elliot wore yesterday. Do you need help to send it for dry cleaning service?”

“There’s no need to trouble you. I will do it myself,” Anastasia said as she took the suit from Lorelai.

Once they got out of the restaurant, they parted and Anastasia pointed at a car not far away. “My car is over there. See you next time, then.”

“Goodbye.” Lorelai watched Anastasia as she got in the car, where a female bodyguard was waiting in the driver’s seat. The car then sped away.

When the car was out of sight, Lorelai could finally let out a sigh of relief. Anastasia was not a woman to mess with, as she insinuated her disapproval of Lorelai’s misbehavior.

On the other hand, Anastasia took out Elliot’s suit and ordered Adriana, “The suit is ruined. Deal with it.”

“Alright, madam.”

Anastasia thought it was a waste of the nice suit. However, it was now ruined by another woman’s scent. She wouldn’t keep it, and wouldn’t let Elliot wear it either.

She would not be generous when it was concerning her relationship, and she had no other hopes but for Lorelai to behave and stop stirring up trouble for her.

Meanwhile, Sophia was doing household chores in Arthur’s villa.

She was alone in the villa. Emily had gone out shopping, while Arthur had some matters to attend to. Sophia started with organizing his study table, followed by cleaning the dust on every surface.

A familiar signature caught her eyes when she was sorting out Arthur’s files on the table. The signature pressed hard to the paper, showing a hint of grace from the owner’s personality, and it no doubt belonged to Arthur.

Sophia crouched under the table for a better angle to clean. Just then, someone pushed the door open and it startled her, so she hurried to stand.

Suddenly, a thump echoed in the room. As Sophia tried to stand up, she bumped her forehead into the table.

Arthur stared at her with wide eyes from the doorway. He found her holding a cleaning rag in her hand, while another hand was pressed to her forehead.

“What are you doing?” That was all he could manage to ask.

“I’m cleaning the table,” Sophia answered meekly.

Taking in mind her eagerness, Arthur walked toward her and took a close look at her forehead. There was a bump on the spot where she hit hard on the table.

“You should use a cold compress.”

“I’m alright.” Sophia didn’t mind the pain. However, just when she was about to continue the chore, Arthur put an arm around her waist. Shocked, she quickly leaned backward, but he seized the opportunity and pressed her against the table.

“You just can’t wait to repay me?” he teased and closed in.

Before her were a pair of eyes as black as night and cold as stone. They were clear but full of mystery. Sophia felt pressure alone just by looking at Arthur.

Her lips slightly parted in disbelief because she had always thought that the man was cold and distant from the moment she first met him. However, right this moment, he was standing so close to her underneath the afternoon sun.

“I-I do think about repaying you…” Sophia spoke with hesitation.

“Then you shall do it as I prefer,” he demanded. There was a sudden urge building inside him to taste her lips again. Since he kissed her out of the blue in the hotel yesterday, the thought had started to linger on his mind. He had a need to confirm his thoughts, so he simply had to taste the sweetness on her supple lips.

Without further hesitation, Arthur wasted no time and went in for a kiss on her lips.

W-What? His bold actions made Sophia’s mind go blank.

Did he just kiss me again?

Her lean body was soft under his touch. The feeling of their bodies pressed against each other on the table sent a tremor through Arthur’s body, making him feel hot and bothered. The kiss lasted for a long time, as he did it again and again, to prove he was right.

Passion filled the study room.

With her eyes shut, Sophia responded to him eagerly. He was forceful one moment and gentle the next, and she was surprised to feel happy from his actions as if they were in love.

Finally, Arthur broke the kiss and pulled himself away. It was a cue to Sophia as she took to her heels almost immediately. However, passion lingered in the study room, like a reminder to everyone that they had just shared an intimate moment.

Sophia gasped as she returned to the room like a frightened white rabbit. As she covered her red lips, all she could think of was the man’s cool yet domineering kisses, which was way beyond her acceptable limit.

The impression that Arthur gave her was one of abstinence—or was it her illusion? He even mentioned earlier that he wanted to repay her through his own methods, so she suspected that he meant her giving herself to him.

He stood in front of the window walls with one hand in his pocket. Dressed in a black attire from head to toe, he carried with him a tough posture while his gaze reflected the facial expression of his cold handsome face. It also did not help that his breath had become a tad bit unstable. I’m having feelings for Sophia? What the hell is going on?!

His thoughts were proven earlier when everything was spilled out on his desk.

Emily returned from her gallivanting outside as today was yet another shopping spree for her. Behind her was a servant who entered with the items that Emily had purchased.

“All of you should head downstairs!”

The said servant left the items and departed while Emily raised her head to call, “Sophia.”

Sophia pushed open the door to make her presence known and responded from upstairs, “Miss Jennings.”

“Come down and help me to tidy up,” Emily instructed as she sat with crossed legs.

After Sophia came downstairs, Emily asked her to remove the items from their bags to organize them. Then, Emily announced the price of each item that Sophia took out.

“This is a limited edition pair of high heels with a value of a hundred and eighty. Please be careful with it.”

“This pair of silk pajamas cost me ninety thousand. Even a single thread cannot be damaged.”

“This purse has a purchase price of 1.8 million. You won’t be able to compensate me if you damage it.”

Sophia was speechless upon hearing Emily’s words. She could never agree with Emily’s concept of consumption. Obviously she was not jealous of Emily either because she was aware that Emily could use shopping as a way to pass her time.

“Artie, do you think that the dress I bought would look good on me?” Emily took a skirt and compared it to her physique.

Arthur’s hand was on the banister as he stared at the girl bending over to arrange the shopping haul.

When Sophia heard footsteps behind her, she was so frightened that she dropped the bag on the floor and collapsed.

Emily was shocked when she saw the scene before her and blurted out, “You had the nerve to drop the most expensive bag?!”

“I’m sorry,” Sophia apologized quickly.

His long legs walked toward Sophia and he ordered thereafter, “Come out with me.”

“Now?!” She lacked the courage to look Arthur in the eye.


first, after which she informed Emily, “Miss Jennings,

Let me accompany

car, he slid into the driver seat of an SUV and informed the bodyguard not to tag

“Master, we need to ensure

insisted, “You are not to

the gates of the villa. “Young Master Weiss, where

where we can

thought about it and asked, “How about

ahead of him as he

couldn’t help but feel restless. She couldn’t ignore the fact that whatever happened between them earlier in the study was a fact! She secretly shot a gander at the man who was behind the wheel and admired his pursed thin

quiet in the vehicle that Sophia could hear the sound of her

hour to arrive at the church.

the sun was starting to set, it illuminated the historical place of worship with a kind of serene

light up a candle at the front of the altar. When she emerged, she saw him standing next to the door in his slim and graceful height, which gave rise to a

only at that moment when she regained her composure and approached him. Suddenly, she

lost her balance and fell

a second late. As Sophia hugged the man, she landed in a kneeling position in front of his legs and

die on the

in all his time of knowing her, this was

them, there was no one around them. So, he reached out and helped her to her feet, but

onto hers. It was evident that he was holding

and walked up the steps, which they estimated to be at a distance of 200 meters, to where

the places that she could have suggested, why did she

the man next to her was relaxed. He wasn’t panting and his face wasn’t flushed either. As

up anymore?”

his gaze, she bravely replied, “I can even do it in one

to follow from

that it was worth the hard work since the view from where they were was breathtaking. The ancient church resembled a quiet place

water, which he brought from the car. Then, he walked toward her and handed the bottle

Sophia saw that the bottle was half full, she realized that he had

you have something against my saliva?” Arthur read her

sincerely took it with a blushing face before she unscrewed the bottle cap. Who am I to slander? We’ve already kissed, so what am I being

where candles could be found for them

“Follow my actions and say your prayers. They say that miracles occur if you offer your prayers here,

he followed her suspiciously. Firstly, they left the bright candles at the candle holder at one side of the church before they walked to the pews and knelt

her beautiful yet serious face. It was as if she arduously tried to make a sincere prayer. Once that was done, the corners

when he

and long eyelashes, he hurriedly closed his eyes in a comical manner, so as to pretend that he was in the midst

it was Sophia’s turn to admire him, she realized

handsome now that his eyes were closed. His facial features seemed to have been meticulously carved by the angels

harbored inexplicable

to plan! I’m the one who seduced him to make him fall for me, after which I’ll beg

sensitive man and knew that Sophia was sizing him up. As a

single people meet up to socialize with each other. Do you want to head in and get to know a

you want me

“I don’t have to since I won’t be

the community center to mingle around because he never intended to settle down

security guards had already knocked off work at this stage and forgot that Arthur and Sophia were still inside


informing him, “I think their staff has knocked off work and would lock us here

so how are we going to

it won’t stop until night time!” She cupped her face

long after that, she felt that the raindrops were beautiful and reached out to play in the rain. The sky gradually darkened over

try to make our way down,” Sophia said to Arthur. “If we’re

As they were heading down the steps,

don’t have to…” She

explained. This woman had been repeatedly too reckless for her safety, so he could predict the kind of dangers that

took his hand before they held hands in the rain and created the impression that they

left and right as she yelled without receiving any response. She cursed as she slapped

who was next to her, puffed in amusement because she was

still laughing! See, we are stuck here,” she

about two meters in height next to him before pointing at it. “We’ll

looked around. “How can you climb

as she threw her question at him, she saw him approaching the wall and raising his arms to hold the top of

surprised Sophia did as instructed, after which he yanked her up with

and reached out to break her fall. “We’ll jump down together since I’ll

I’ll end up injuring you. Stand aside; I’ll jump down on my own.”

breaking her fall by carrying

in preparation to make the jump, she

an ant in hot water? She should be making the jump with Arthur’s safe hands around

Sophia, he had already anticipated her reaction and when they made the fall, he tightly hugged her. As she was in shock, she grabbed onto his neck

drenched as a result of being in the rain and now that they were in

you manage to grow up without injuring

mishaps and injuries!

he was nowhere in a better shape than her. His hair was glued to his forehead and under the headlights, it was evident that his soaked shirt was so glued

pushed his hair to the back, it revealed a different kind of attraction—one that was

Arthur and Sophia had just climbed off the wall, their

shower there.” He turned his head to Sophia and suggested. It would take about another hour to get back to the villa, but he could not endure the journey any longer without

he could not get the suite like he expected to

there were only double rooms available for the time being. Sophia was not picky about their limited choice, but she

room then.” Having no other choices,

receptionist stole a glance at him. Even though he was soaking wet, the receptionist still found him fairly handsome despite his

in, they

she saw her reflection in the mirror, Sophia crossed her arms around her chest immediately. Oh, god! She was surprised to see

entering the room, she could see that the double room only came with a bathroom. Therefore, she suggested,

bothered by the fact that he needed to wait and instead, he

generosity, Sophia kindly accepted his suggestion. “Alright, I will

into the bathroom and took a shower to clean herself thoroughly from head to

soon as she finished showering. She slowly remembered that there were only towels prepared in the bathroom. If she needed a bathrobe, she would need

wrapped the towel around her body and began to dry her hair. Her silky hair cast down her back

reflect light; such a combination gave her a perfect appearance. Before she walked out of the bathroom, she took

with his bare chest. He

have finished. It’s your turn to shower.” Pulling the towel close to her body, she walked out of the bathroom and informed him in a

took the view in. A glint flashed across his eyes at the

hindrances, so this was the first time he felt charmed

was no calmness and clarity in his eyes like usual. Instead, his eyes were bright as if they could scorch

making any sudden moves. Just as she thought he was going to do something when he walked toward her shirtless, his comment rang in the room. “Not bad, you have nice

snarky comeback against his remark. However, needless for him to

take the bathrobe with him, Arthur had already entered the bathroom and

frustrated sigh, she half expected to see him with a towel around

bathrobe from the cabinet and changed into the attire. It was a brand new

reveal himself. Water was still

skin, but it did not mean that his body was not kept in shape. He had a toned body with visible muscles, which was proof that he spent a lot of time

are we heading home later?” She waited for him to

on his way.” Using the towel she left

the space was limited in the room, they were looking at each other

malicious thought occurred to him as

wearing a

Sophia was wondering about the same thing.

she reminded him,

took out a bathrobe and wore it.

from the beginning, her breath came to a sudden stop as he undressed before her. Did he forget

in front of her, it


a boyfriend before?” Feeling bored as he was waiting for clean clothes, Arthur popped a question

she felt like a

his question, she pretended to be

did you have?”

“Just one.”

far did you


hands, embracing, kissing, or sleeping with each other… At which stage were you guys at?” Arthur’s eyes stared intensely into hers and his

his question, Sophia stuttered,

exchange our secrets. You can ask me the same question later.” His eyes did not waver as if they were locked

and considered it. In her opinion, it

decided to give in to the temptation with a lie. She was aware that the most intimate thing she had ever done with a man was sharing a kiss and that happened to be with Arthur. To get the snowball rolling,

with a hint of satisfaction when

the truth. Remembering her promised right, she tested the waters. “Can I ask

at the bedside, Arthur leaned backward with his elbows on the bed. He then

have you had

at all,” he

her mind, “I don’t believe any of your words! You must have had many girlfriends before. Isn’t Miss Jennings

eyes lit up like a torch as unquestionable authority lay

on his words with thoughts running through her mind. If he thinks he can fool

she wanted to know, she decided to change the topic. Arthur might never have had any serious relationship,

His answer was

she was dubious with him, she shot him another question. “With

answer without hesitation. With a shocked expression, she stared at him while having a

been only kissing one

believing it because you were so good at kissing last time.”

is kissing.” However, Arthur was serious with an explanation. A smug smile slowly formed on his face as he explained, “Are you trying to imply I

face as she shook her head hard. “I’m not!” I am not going to stroke his

with displeasure. Is she trying to say I lack skill? he

you tell me how I am doing at kissing exactly? I want to know your

body tensed as she wondered about the reason why he was so bothered by

I—” How can I give out opinions regarding this matter? He is only trying to take advantage of

her words, Arthur had already closed the distance between them. With his face staying dangerously close to her, his hands cupped her face. “Why don’t you try it again

his lips

was so mad at him, thinking that he was only looking for excuses to kiss her.

reflexively. The thought of Arthur had been on her

when he risked himself to save her at the beach; or the moment he tried to rescue her but ended up rolling down the hill

had someone sacrificed himself for her like he did

became more intense. She could not help but panic as everything was going out of her control. Right now, he was giving

restraining himself. Moreover, he felt like his body was burning in a

moves on her, the more he was confused by the results. At the same time, even if he wanted to trigger a

heavier between them, someone rang

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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