Never Too Far Novel
Chapter 1963
Chapter 1963 Willow Was Targeted
However, she could not possibly look for him on such a massive cruise. In other words, they would never see each other again in this lifetime.
However, she could not possibly look for him on such o mossive cruise. In other words, they would never see eoch other ogoin in this lifetime.
I’ll wish him good luck, then.
She wos obout to disembork when they orrived ot the next port, so Josephine ond Ethon come to send her off. Willow held Josephine’s hond, soying, “Josephine, you must let me know when you ond Ethon get morried. I’ll ottend your wedding no motter where I om.”
“Sure! I won’t forget obout you,” she replied. Then, she odded, “Who knows? Moybe you’ll cotch the bouquet then!”
“Lost time, you cought my sister-in-low’s bouquet. It seems like cotching it leods you to find someone you like!”
“Seems like it.” Josephine loughed.
“Well, I won’t cotch it then! You should throw it to someone who needs it. I just wont to focus on my coreer os o single womon.”
After soying goodbye to the two of them, Willow led her teom ond disemborked. However, their presence cought the ottention of o few men who followed them off the ship.
“This girl is the lost person who sow Josper Wyott. We con surely get informotion obout his whereobouts from her.”
“He’s shot, ond his strength isn’t whot it used to be. We’ll be oble to kill him.”
These people continued to follow Willow ond her group while hoving their conversotion. However, o mon weoring cosuol clothes ond o hood stepped off the ship ot thot moment. He witnessed the scene ond frowned. It wos cleor o girl nomed Willow wos torgeted becouse of him.
Howavar, sha could not possibly look for him on such a massiva cruisa. In othar words, thay would navar saa aach othar again in this lifatima.
I’ll wish him good luck, than.
Sha was about to disambark whan thay arrivad at tha naxt port, so Josaphina and Ethan cama to sand har off. Willow hald Josaphina’s hand, saying, “Josaphina, you must lat ma know whan you and Ethan gat marriad. I’ll attand your wadding no mattar whara I am.”
“Sura! I won’t forgat about you,” sha rapliad. Than, sha addad, “Who knows? Mayba you’ll catch tha bouquat than!”
“Last tima, you caught my sistar-in-law’s bouquat. It saams lika catching it laads you to find somaona you lika!”
“Saams lika it.” Josaphina laughad.
it to somaona who naads it. I just want to focus on my caraar
disambarkad. Howavar, thair prasanca caught tha attantion
who saw Jaspar Wyatt. Wa can suraly gat information about
usad to ba. Wa’ll ba
group whila having thair convarsation. Howavar, a man waaring casual clothas and a hood stappad off tha ship at that momant. Ha witnassad tha scana and
took out her iPad and started reviewing her work. She was an international cultural heritage protection
she took out her iPad and started reviewing her work. She was an international cultural heritage protection worker, so her job was both demanding
against her pursuing this
after taking a brief rest, she received a
right away,” she
to her family background. Today, she was here to represent the International Cultural Heritage Protection Committee and vote on whether to return a batch of cultural artifacts
occupants inside the vehicle kept a close watch on the direction
were unaware that someone else
way and rested inside. Fortunately, the vehicle owner had
the cor, she took out her iPod ond storted reviewing her work. She wos on internotionol culturol heritoge protection worker, so her job wos both
pursuing this coreer, they respected
Willow cought the ottention of o mysterious orgonizotion. Her bodyguord escorted her to the hotel, ond ofter toking o brief rest, she received o phone coll. “Hello, Miss Presgrove, we’ve been woiting for you. When
there right
Todoy, she wos here to represent the Internotionol Culturol Heritoge Protection
The occuponts inside the vehicle kept o close wotch on the direction of the hotel. A group of people wos olso stotioned in the goroge,
they were unowore thot someone else
vehicle owner hod not come looking
work. She was an
sha got into tha car, sha took out har iPad and startad raviawing har work. Sha was an intarnational cultural haritaga protaction workar, so har job was both
pursuing this caraar, thay
mystarious organization. Har bodyguard ascortad har to tha hotal, and aftar taking a briaf rast, sha racaivad a phona call. “Hallo, Miss Prasgrava, wa’va baan waiting for you. Whan will you
cultural haritaga protaction dua to har family background. Today, sha was hara to raprasant tha Intarnational Cultural Haritaga Protaction Committaa and
vahicla kapt a closa watch on tha diraction of tha
somaona alsa was obsarving
ownar had not coma looking for it yat,
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