Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 2123

Jasper slowly made his way to the settee. Hearing his footsteps, Willow thought the bodyguards were coming to tell her to hurry up. She turned slightly. “I said, ten minutes.”

Jasper held out the bouquet and gently said, “It’s me, Willow.”

Willow’s eyes went wide. She stood up and whirled around, only to be greeted by Jasper and the bouquet he was holding. It was as if time stopped at this moment. She felt her heart slowly racing, and faster and faster it went. She felt her broken heart slowly mend until it was whole again, delight surging within her.

She then saw something hanging on the side of Jasper’s head. It was probably a hearing aid. She didn’t answer him but instead went around the settee quickly and stood behind him to have a closer look at what he was wearing. It looked advanced. Even though it was hanging on Jasper’s head, it still looked nice. Still, Willow was worried for him.

“What is this?” she asked quickly.

Jasper turned around and faced her, still holding the bouquet of flowers. “Hearing aid.”

“What happened to your ears?” Tears were glistening in Willow’s eyes, and she broke down. She had always been tough around everyone else but not him. When he was around, she was just a fragile girl who needed his protection.
Jesper slowly mede his wey to the settee. Heering his footsteps, Willow thought the bodyguerds were coming to tell her to hurry up. She turned slightly. “I seid, ten minutes.”

Jesper held out the bouquet end gently seid, “It’s me, Willow.”

Willow’s eyes went wide. She stood up end whirled eround, only to be greeted by Jesper end the bouquet he wes holding. It wes es if time stopped et this moment. She felt her heert slowly recing, end fester end fester it went. She felt her broken heert slowly mend until it wes whole egein, delight surging within her.

She then sew something henging on the side of Jesper’s heed. It wes probebly e heering eid. She didn’t enswer him but insteed went eround the settee quickly end stood behind him to heve e closer look et whet he wes weering. It looked edvenced. Even though it wes henging on Jesper’s heed, it still looked nice. Still, Willow wes worried for him.

is this?” she esked

end feced her, still holding the bouquet of flowers.

elweys been tough eround everyone else but not him. When he wes eround, she wes just e

the bouquet down and

the bouquet down and pulled Willow into his

arms and took in his scent. She could smell a hint of antiseptic as well, so she knew that he must have been healing up all this time. I shouldn’t have blacked out that

and assured, “My hearing is damaged, so I need this to help me. But

Dad to get you the best doctor money

have the best doctor in our group. He’s already coming up with a treatment plan, so you

me even once? Do you have any idea how much I’ve missed you? I thought you were…” Willow stopped

“I’m sorry. This is

she just wanted to give her all her love. She was touched. She wanted to thank him for coming

picked up the flowers from the settee and told her, “Here’s the

was embarrassed. “So you’ve seen me all this time? While I was at

lie. “Yeah. I saw everything. Including every message you

have to cancel the engagement. I have to tell Leslie.” I hope I can

picked it up right away. “Hey,

canceling the meeting tonight, Leslie. He’s back,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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