When he heard this, warmth filled Jack’s heart. “Don’t worry. I’ll help to treat your condition,” he said, smiling. “Now I’m suspecting that it was Lily who administered the poison. She already sent assassins after me in Middle Province. Who’s to say that she won’t do something like this!”

“Ah. She sent assassins after you, and the Ninth Patronum—who are in a good relationship with the Third Elder and the others—was waiting to kill you at the entrance. Furthermore, she joined hands with the Third Elder to take some of the martial art resources for themselves by raising the tithe. They’ve made their linkage clear before us!”

Jack released a sigh. “I’d be a fool to not believe it even after all this!” he said impatiently.

“What should we do now, Father? I think it’ll be difficult. After all, the Third Elder is a powerful chi practitioner. The only one who can probably match him now is the First Elder! That’s why we have no way of weeding them out.

her. The Lagorio family has fallen, but they’re not weak. If we get into a war, there are a few elders from the Lagorio family here

the situation. He truly felt

fought, there were plenty of servants from the Lagorio family in the White family who might take their original family’s side. Even if the White family emerged victorious from the feud, both sides

strong—to finally stand among the Eight Shadow Families. If they entered a familial war, they would probably drop quite a few ranks in standing, putting all of their

Elder and Lily—and I’m certainly not afraid of the White

that Nash would be able to look at the bigger picture while holding his pain in.

easy for this man to become the master of the White family—to be able to guide the family, step by

resources. If this went on, the anger and hatred stoked within them would only grow deeper—until it reaches a boiling point

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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