Wilton released Shirley when he saw Xavien submitting to him and smiled. “Haha! Father-in-law, I was just joking with you guys. Look at how scared you guys are! Don’t worry—I’ll treat Shirley well after she marries me. She’s got a weird temper, but I’ll train her to be obedient. She’ll definitely obey me in the future.”

Wilton’s words bled Xavien and Alba’s hearts. If they were still hopeful toward Wilton previously, they were in complete despair at that moment. They knew that Wilton would not treat their daughter well.

“Let’s go. The wedding cars are ready, and it’s almost time for our beautiful bride to appear to the crowd!” Wilton had a triumphant smile on his face when he saw how effective his power displaying actions were. He pulled Shirley toward the cars with one hand.

“Let’s go.” Alba and the others secretly sighed as they tried to smile. The Lancasters followed and boarded the car.

people awaited the bride and

the Norton family, the seven-star King of War, and people

thought she’d suddenly agree to marry him. Apart from that, the preparations for this wedding ceremony takes such a short amount of time. They only notified us yesterday, and the wedding happens today!” The master of a third-class aristocratic family could not help but say with a

family master who was beside them looked around him and said softly, “What do you know? I heard that Miss Shirley never planned on marrying Young Master Wilton, and she was forced to do so this time. He forced her with the lives of her family members and their properties. Miss

will he be happy if Miss Shirley marries him?” The previous third-class aristocratic family master sighed after he heard this. He thought that he

Shirley—who was in a beautiful wedding dress—stepped on the red carpet at the

demeanor was visible,

between you and my son, and the way that you’re acting doesn’t look good.” Ashamed with how Shirley was behaving, the Norton family master,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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