“Hmph. I don’t care if you’re the young master of the White family. This decision is totally unfair to my father. It’s just so heart-wrenching!”

The girl harrumphed coldly and folded her arms across her chest. She pursed her lips, huffing but she looked cute at a glance.

“That’s right. How could we do that?”

Many people felt displeased for Lancelot’s sake.

After all, their master would be able to obtain a little more martial resources, and he would finally get to enjoy his days comfortably. Yet something like this had to happen. Naturally, the branch family members were furious.

“What are you talking about, Sally? Apologize to Young Master Jack now! Have you forgotten all of my teachings?”

Lancelot furrowed his brows and put on a stern aura, snapping at the girl before him.


anything wrong. Why should I apologize to him?” she retorted. “Besides, I wasn’t pinning everything on him. I was expressing my displeasure at the decision Master White made.

be no different than the Third Elder if he doesn’t allow

jumped in shock. “Luke, you apologize to Young Master Jack too!” he barked at his son. “The White family’s decision already benefits the branch families. We should be grateful, got it? Besides,

felt disgruntled regarding the decision about Lancelot, he was well aware of the difference in status between the main family and the branch families. They could not afford to offend the main family. If they

“I–I’m sorry!”

still displeased, he gritted his teeth and ducked

great things for the White family,” he said to the crowd, smiling faintly. “How could a talent like him be unimportant to us? We would

“I’m glad that you realize that. Then you can’t make us

girl’s temper, Jack seemed delighted instead. “I can’t do that,” he replied. “Our decision is

How could you agree

moment. She could not comprehend what he was thinking. He had said that he would work hard for the branch family himself. He practically treated the other members

“Why would I disagree?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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