No Chance of Remarriage: Get Lost

No Chance Of Remarriage: Get Lost Chapter 11

Chapter 11

beginning, trust me.” Charli breathed a sigh of relief and turned the steering wheel. “I trust you!” … Meanwhile, at Benett Residence, Linda and her parents had just finished dinner. Linda had rosy cheeks and did not look like someone who had woken from a coma a month ago. On the other hand, her mother was dressed gorgeously. Although she was in her forties, she looked like a woman in her early thirties. Linda glanced at her mother sitting on the couch and frowned. “Mom, I keep feeling like something is not right. It seems like Gareth doesn’t want to divorce.” Women’s intuition was sometimes accurate, especially when it concerns bad premonition. Whatever they fear would usually come true. Rose Meek looked at Linda. “What makes you say that?” Linda pursed her lips. “His emotions seem to be centered around Elisa these days. They even went to Wickam Manor together last night.” Rose frowned and said, “How could that be? How can Elisa be so shameless?” Linda gritted her teeth. “The night before, I spent so much

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