No Chance of Remarriage: Get Lost

No Chance Of Remarriage: Get Lost Chapter 59

Chapter 59 Him Again?

She raised her head and looked at the man beside her.

At this moment, the car had come to a stop.

Will smiled at her. “These comments online are meaningless. If you don’t feel good, I can bring you to a certain place.”

She gave him a slight smile. “I’m not sad, I’m just monitoring the current situation to see if the public will hurl rotten eggs at me.”

He stared at her intently without uttering another word, while she took her phone from his grasp. “Thanks for sending me back, Mr. Darcey. Let me know when the next trial commences. Bye.”

With that, she got out of the car, but he merely stared at her as she close the car door and walk into her apartment without moving.

Suddenly, his phone rang, and he picked it up.

“Mr. Darcey, they’ve divorced.”


we start the

retracted his gaze, since he could no longer see her. “Let’s wait

is going to start the collaboration, and Gareth is obviously not one of their considerations at all. If we don’t grab the opportunity,

weak, he is not

assistant froze for

“Wait for my instructions.”

a final glance at

Wickam Group, the atmosphere in the meeting room was the

even let out a

looking at his face, everyone knew

it was not within anyone’s expectations that Elisa would be so

about to close, they suddenly called them up on this day and asked

work with Wickam Group, it was highly likely that they would turn to Darcey Group. It would be an embarrassment for Wickam

up with?” Gareth asked in a


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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