No Chance of Remarriage: Get Lost

No Chance Of Remarriage: Get Lost Chapter 94

Chapter 94 What Right Do You Have Now

The atmosphere around the Wickam family was tense as the news of Elisa and Iris circulated.

Darren had a black look on his face.

“She can’t be Iris! Gareth may have divorced her, but how could she humiliate us so!” Monica snapped.

Darren laughed coldly. “That is your beloved daughter-in-law. As if ridiculing us after the divorce wasn’t enough, now she’s publicly fighting our family in court!”

Julia frowned. “This only happened because of how you all mistreated her! There’s no other reason why an obedient child like her would do such a thing! And now you are condemning her instead of reflecting on your actions?”

Jerry sat next to Julia. “There’s no point in arguing now that things have happened. Elisa is a kind person. Gareth was the one who had crossed the line.”

Monica glared at Jennifer. “Our family has offered her nothing but grace. When she was abandoned after her family was ruined, we took her in and offered her shelter. She had a life of luxury. People were lining up to flatter her when they heard she was Mrs. Wickam. Was that not enough?!”

Jerry’s face

gritted her teeth. “Then what is

at his son coldly. “You can’t suggest that Gareth apologise

Jerry retorted, ignoring the disagreement shown on Darren’s face. “Have you realized that

all changed. Is money that important? Do they all only see what benefits they can

Gareth can live a peaceful life with Elisa

her teeth. “You will all

the study

three stayed in

“Dad, I hope you won’t interfere with Gareth’s

absurd! Gareth is still young. Do you think he can handle things on his

mouth twitched. He left without another

he headed out, he pulled out his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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