No Chance of Remarriage: Get Lost

No Chance Of Remarriage: Get Lost Chapter 199

Chapter 199 You’re Up Early

“Got it.”

Seeing that Gareth had no other orders, Thomas nodded and left.

Under Elisa’s unwavering determination, she found a medicine bottle without any labels.

When she opened it, she saw white, rounded pills.

What are these? What illness did Dad contract back then? Did he keep it from me so that I wouldn’t be worried?

Her lips were pressed together into a fine line, but she placed the pills back into the bottle to avoid notice.

Apart from that, there were no other suspicious things in the room, and she eventually gave up on her search.

shower, she slept in the room, but she did not sleep well

that, she seemed to have seen her father

sat up, but just as she was about to call him out, the figure suddenly

heaving a sigh, knowing

her legs to

I really miss him.

that, the night slowly

night, so she woke up early the next day. After brushing up, she went downstairs and saw Rose getting busy

put on

would do the chores and cooking, but they had maids who had already

for them, making Elisa’s father feel guilty. Because

him and plotted against him as if they were

wolves were social creatures who would cherish their pack. But Norman and

clenched her fists slightly, but she immediately calmed down as

smile, Rose asked, “Why are you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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