No Chance of Remarriage: Get Lost

No Chance Of Remarriage: Get Lost Chapter 653

Chapter 653

You are cursing at me again! I think you really do like me a lot.”Rachel was so furious she could feel her head spinning!“You are insane! You appear out of nowhere and spurt nonsense. Aren’t you afraid that your girlfriend would be displeased if she saw this?”Vincent put his arm on Rachel’s chair boldly. Rachel was taken by surprise. She immediately moved away from his arm, fearing he would touch her. Anger instantly filled her beautiful eyes. “What are you trying to do?”Vincent sat on his chair nonchalantly and leaned closer to Rachel. Rachel’s breathing quickened, and she quickly moved further from him. “Stay away from me!”“Why? We have such a close relationship. Why do I have to stay away from you?”“Are you psycho? Who is close to you?”Rachel’s eyes were full of disgust. She wished she could kick this man far away.“Go away. Don’t get in our way.” “Don’t be such a joy killer. It’s fate that we met each other here. This meal will be my treat. Order anything you want.”Elisa was sitting opposite them. Her lips twitched at several instances as she watched them fight. The two of them always acted like enemies.“Go away! Who wants your treat? Do you think we can’t afford this meal? Stop appearing in front of us, you annoying rat!”“Don’t you think that you are too arrogant? A long line of women would die to have me treat them to a meal. But I wouldn’t even go if it was their treat. Yet you are behaving so haughtily even though I offered to treat you to a meal. With such a rough and impolite attitude, how will you find a man to marry you in the future?”“That’s none of your business!” Rachel widened her eyes and glared at him.Vincent raised both his hands helplessly in a sign of defeat.“Alright, alright.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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