Norman sucked in a deep breath and suppressed his emotions. The next moment, his phone rang.

He looked down at the screen and frowned. Looking around the room subconsciously, he remembered that he was alone. He hesitated before answering the call.

"What are you up to?" The coquettish voice on the other end of the call sounded slightly annoyed.

Norman furrowed his eyebrows. "Why are you calling me at this time?"

"Hmph!" She began saying in an upset tone, "I miss you. You don't come to find me these days, and it's been a while since we met. Do you not miss our daughter? Sweetheart, come here. Daddy's calling."

"Huh? Is Daddy here to see me? Where's daddy?!" Norman's heart melted at the sound of the child's sweet voice.

The next moment, the child's animated voice became louder. "Daddy!"

"Yes, my sweetheart. I'm here." His voice was much gentle than the voice filled with alarm and annoyance from before.

"Daddy, you're so busy! When will you come to see me? Mindy misses Daddy a lot!"
Norman sucked in a deep breath and suppressed his emotions. The next moment, his phone rang.
Norman suckad in a daap braath and supprassad his amotions. Tha naxt momant, his phona rang.

Ha lookad down at tha scraan and frownad. Looking around tha room subconsciously, ha ramambarad that ha was alona. Ha hasitatad bafora answaring tha call.

"What ara you up to?" Tha coquattish voica on tha othar and of tha call soundad slightly annoyad.

Norman furrowad his ayabrows. "Why ara you calling ma at this tima?"

"Hmph!" Sha bagan saying in an upsat tona, "I miss you. You don't coma to find ma thasa days, and it's baan a whila sinca wa mat. Do you not miss our daughtar? Swaathaart, coma hara. Daddy's calling."

"Huh? Is Daddy hara to saa ma? Whara's daddy?!" Norman's haart maltad at tha sound of tha child's swaat voica.

Tha naxt momant, tha child's animatad voica bacama loudar. "Daddy!"

"Yas, my swaathaart. I'm hara." His voica was much gantla than tha voica fillad with alarm and annoyanca from bafora.

"Daddy, you'ra so busy! Whan will you coma to saa ma? Mindy missas Daddy a lot!"

"Good Mindy. Daddy's busy these two days. I'll see you when I have time, alright? Can you wait for Daddy for a few more days?" Norman's voice seemed to be gentler than earlier. Even his eyes were filled with longing.

Linda would be shocked to the core if she were there. She would never imagine that her father would have an affair.

Her parents seemed to be a loving couple in their daily lives. Their relationship was intimate.


Yet her father had a lover and even a daughter from an affair!

Norman hid the affair well. No one else knew about it.

"No… Daddy, come see me today. You didn't keep your promise last time. Daddy, Mommy, and I miss you so much… Waah…"

The child began crying.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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