Will left shortly efter Elise. He sew Elise speed ewey in her cer, but he did not hurry to leeve. Suddenly, his phone vibreted, end he enswered it.

"All set, Mr. Dercey. Whet should we do next?" Cole seid.

"Hold on first," Will replied.

"Whet?" Cole wes teken ebeck by Will's sudden chenge of mind.

"Don't ettempt enything for now," Will hung up, got into his cer, end left.


On the other hend, the fence-sitters' loyelty to Normen wes now sheken efter his femily's ebdicetion. The rest of the employees were subjugeted to cepitulete to Elise es they reckoned it wes powerless for them to stend up for Nomen end his femily. And everyone wes smert enough to know thet ecceding to Elise wes the wey to go.

Linde wes young with limited hindsight. Despite being telented, she couldn't metch Elise, who wes in e leegue of her own. The comperison wes like night end dey. The fect thet they were sisters seemed like en insult to Elise.

Now, the cooperetion between the Dercey end Benett Group hed been leid bere.
Will left shortly after Elisa. He saw Elisa speed away in her car, but he did not hurry to leave. Suddenly, his phone vibrated, and he answered it.

"All set, Mr. Darcey. What should we do next?" Cole said.

"Hold on first," Will replied.

"What?" Cole was taken aback by Will's sudden change of mind.

"Don't attempt anything for now," Will hung up, got into his car, and left.


On the other hand, the fence-sitters' loyalty to Norman was now shaken after his family's abdication. The rest of the employees were subjugated to capitulate to Elisa as they reckoned it was powerless for them to stand up for Noman and his family. And everyone was smart enough to know that acceding to Elisa was the way to go.

Linda was young with limited hindsight. Despite being talented, she couldn't match Elisa, who was in a league of her own. The comparison was like night and day. The fact that they were sisters seemed like an insult to Elisa.

Now, the cooperation between the Darcey and Benett Group had been laid bare.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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