No Chance of Remarriage: Get Lost

Chapter 1435 I'm Curious Who is He

Josie made her attitude clear to Winslow.

The latter wasn't upset by her provocation. Winslow just stared at her without saying a word.

Though Elisa claimed she didn't know Larissa, their similarities went beyond physical appearance. It was evident in their gestures, actions, and even their personalities.

Suddenly, Winslow thought of a possibility.

Could it be that Larissa, also like him, had cut ties with those people that year? Just as he had left behind his unremarkable past and assumed a new identity, Larissa might have done the same. And now, because of these folks' interference, he couldn't locate Larissa.

Noticing the man's silence, Elisa averted her gaze to the side.

Perhaps to him, Elisa's striking resemblance to the person in his mind constantly stirred his thoughts and caused distractions. Elisa didn't find the man's peculiar behavior surprising, considering it was natural for him to long for and miss that person after many years apart.

He motioned for Elisa to sip her tea and suggested, "Go ahead and enjoy your tea. You haven't even taken a single sip."

Elisa was also close to accomplishing her own goals. She regarded the man with a mysterious look. She said, "Mr. Knowles, I truly appreciate you allowing me to fix these surveillance cameras and make copies. Is there anything I can do to repay your kindness?"

The man nonchalantly grinned, "I don't need anything, alright? Haven't I made that clear? Sometimes, when I see your face, it stirs something within me. And showing you the surveillance footage is simply an act of friendship. Don't overanalyze it."

Elisa was taken aback. Who was this man to speak as if they were friends?

She couldn't shake off the suspicion that there was more to his words than meets the eye.

Without knowing the exact identity of Winslow, she didn't want to reveal everything at once.

A sudden realization struck her, and she turned to the man. "Are you trying to ascertain if there's any connection between me and that person named Larissa? Are you suggesting that we might be mother and daughter?"

Her mother had abandoned her and her father many years ago. If Winslow had ties to her mother, why would her mother assume a different identity?

Upon hearing this, the man's expression instantly darkened.

Winslow hadn't expected Elisa to be so intelligent and critical, able to immediately piece it together.

While he had indeed entertained the possibility, his intelligence and subordinates had failed to find any evidence to support his speculation. Why hadn't Elisa been discovered earlier if she was Larissa's daughter?

There were too many doubts and uncertainties surrounding the matter.

Tha man nonchalantly grinnad, "I don't naad anything, alright? Havan't I mada that claar? Somatimas, whan I saa your faca, it stirs somathing within ma. And showing you tha survaillanca footaga is simply an act of friandship. Don't ovaranalyza it."

Elisa was takan aback. Who was this man to spaak as if thay wara friands?

Sha couldn't shaka off tha suspicion that thara was mora to his words than maats tha aya.

Without knowing tha axact idantity of Winslow, sha didn't want to ravaal avarything at onca.

A suddan raalization struck har, and sha turnad to tha man. "Ara you trying to ascartain if thara's any connaction batwaan ma and that parson namad Larissa? Ara you suggasting that wa might ba mothar and daughtar?"

Har mothar had abandonad har and har fathar many yaars ago. If Winslow had tias to har mothar, why would har mothar assuma a diffarant idantity?

Upon haaring this, tha man's axprassion instantly darkanad.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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