Chapter 85 Did I Like This?

The next day.

As it was the weekend, Freya arrived at the Joint Department early.

She sat next to Radley in the meeting room.

Then, the person in charge of the Monaghan Group suggested, “The artificial lake we have designed has a complex underground piping system, which includes gas and water pipelines. We are verifying this matter with the respective departments before asking them to reroute the entire piping system.”

Hearing that, Freya frowned. If there were so many pipelines, rerouting would become troublesome.

She thought momentarily and asked, “Are you sure there is no other way?”

Then, Radley said, “I will visit the site with Miss Kaufmann in the afternoon. Let’s proceed to the next agenda.”

Freya turned to look at him silently. When did she say she wanted to go to the site personally? However, he was right. It was necessary to take a look.

After the meeting. Freya returned to her own office. Not long after, someone knocked on her door. She permitted the person to come in, and then she saw Connor standing with a smile.

“Miss Kaufmann, these snacks are from the Monaghans. The Old Madam heard that you are in the Joint Department and had someone make them for you.”

Daniella sent it.

Freya thought for a moment and said, “Put them down. How is Madam Daniella’s health recently?”

She had promised to visit Daniella every week but had yet to go this week.

With that, Connor respectfully replied, “She’s doing pretty well. Her illness hasn’t relapsed yet.”

“That’s good.”

After waiting for Connor to leave, Freya opened the food basket and looked at it. They were snacks that she loved. Daniella must be familiar with her palate.

Freya’s eyes were overwhelmed with warmth as she tasted a snack and found a show on her tablet to watch.

Freya was loaded with work since it was the end of the month. Although she was at the Joint Department on the weekend, there wasn’t much to do.

She squinted her eyes and searched for a romantic show to binge.

After watching two episodes of the show, there was a knock at the door again.

thought it was Connor again and

door was pushed open, and Radley walked in.

you need something, Mr. Monaghan?” Freya

when he replied. “The AC in my office has broken down, so I’m

office now.”

The AC?

to thirty degrees. Freya thought for a

her desk before sitting down

show occasionally came from Freya’s tablet, while Radley looked through

secretly stole

upright with his sleeves slightly rolled up,

shirt, bronze skin, and luxurious

the details on him exuded a sense of

subtly lowered the volume of her tablet as she watched Radley read documents from

scorching as it shone through

and he had already stood up from behind the


“Is there something you need?”

borrowed me your desk,

expression. She

Department, and Connor was already waiting

had stopped operating due to the ongoing renovation project in West Geft. Connor drove the car

space in the car made her feel like her privacy could

to cat? Is it far?” Freya

shifted his gaze. “Are you hungry?”

and tender.

She must have

much longer?”

are twenty more minutes.”

frowned as she listened to their conversation. “I am fine with cating anything.”

wants to invite someone to try his dishes and get

see. You’re using

case, I’ll invite you again next

for that! Freya narrowed her eyes. After all, Chris had helped Isabella and her at the bar


the worst that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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