Chapter 103 Melissa Must Be Held Accountable

Melissa and Cher glared at each other for about half an hour before Cher’s mother, Luciana Sherman. arrived.

Freya look a glance at Luciana, who was about forty years old and dressed in exquisite clothes.

“Oh, my poor baby!” At the sight of Cher’s bruised face, Luciana hugged her daughter and shot a hard glare at Freya and Melissa.

Seeing her mother, Cher put on a look as if she had been wronged. Tears dripped down her face as she pointed out. “Mom, that’s Melissa. I only said a few words, and she hit me!”

“Bullsh*t! You were the one who bad-mouthed my cousin first and pointed your finger so close at my nose!” Melissa retorted.

Quickly, Freya held her cousin down.

Luciana looked them up and down. A hint of disdain appeared in her eyes.

Freya had come in a hurry today and was only wearing casual clothes.

Although Melissa was the daughter of the Marshalls, she had a lively personality and was not interested in jewelry since she had seen them a lot when she was young. Today, she was dressed casually in sportswear,

Luciana’s attitude soon became more demanding. She pointed at Melissa and chided, “Cher has never hit anyone. How dare you hurt her! A bad student like you must be expelled!”

Hearing that, Melissa was so angry that she glared at Luciana, but Freya pulled her back.

At the same time, Yosef heard the commotion and came out of his office.

As soon as he saw Luciana, his stern face brightened up, and he smiled flatteringly. “Mrs. Wallace thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule. There’s no other way. Both sides of parents present for a possible reconciliation.”

Luciana frowned, glancing contemptuously at Freya and Melissa, then snorted coldly. “Recon Workman, did you not see the bruises on my daughter’s face?”

Yosef pulled his lips awkwardly. “It’s entirely up to you whether to reconcile the conflict or not, but procedure of both parties being present must be followed.

glanced at Hannah, who was sitting on the


voice slightly raised, “Cher told me that it was that girl, Melissa, who hit her, and

disdain from the side, just about to stand up.

sat stili.

be the perfect time for a hero to save

Be Held

and aimed

Freya knew that Luciana was looking down on her background and didn’t dare to offend the Monaghans. So, Luciana shifted the blame

at Yosel. “Mr. Workman, since the parents are

to say that! Just look at you two’s poverty-stricken and despicable appearance, I

the kind of people who are extremely

clenched her fists. There was a fierceness

the preparation for Foundation Day. I remember there are surveillance cameras in the auditorium. Why don’t we check the footage to see who

grabbed her mother’s arm and shook her head quietly.

the conflict, it’s wrong to resort to violence! The truth is right in front of us.

and glared at Melissa with resentment, mocking, “Yeah, and Melissa has great strength. She’s rude and barbaric too. Perhaps she used to be a

are you trying to hide? Don’t you and your daughter want Melissa


easily slapped her hand to the side.

Melissa was excited on the side. “Frey, that’s exactly what Cher did to me! After I shoved her hand

surprised at Melissa’s excitement. “Quiet.”

sat obediently.

the other hand, Yosef and Luciana exchanged a look. Luciana’s expression was tense. “Mr. Workman, my family has done a lot for Evergreen University. You can’t return kindness with ingratitude and not punish the person who injured my daughter.

request to see the surveillance footage

him to find a reason to refuse her.

husband has been thinking about building a new library for the university. But if you don’t expel someone like Melissa,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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