Chapter 164 Did I Disturb You?

“Melissa, you’re just saying that because it’s expensive, and you don’t want to buy it for me.” Hannah clenched her fists. This is your apology for deceiving me. I want this.”

Putting on an innocent face, Melissa argued, “Hannah, you know how stingy my dad is even though we’re rich. He even uses my own money to pay my tuition fees.”

Freya’s mouth twitched as she listened. Hannah, however, believed that and furrowed her brows in thought for a while. “Is it really that bad?”

“Yes, yes!”

“My situation is better. Radley gives me an allowance every month, so I can share some with you.”

Melissa’s eyes lit up. “Hannah, you’re such a good friend.”

The women and Edward were students at Evergreen University, so they raised their voices to converse with him. “Edward, don’t you have a basketball game this afternoon?”

Glancing nervously at Freya, Edward replied. “The basketball game got canceled.”

“Why was it canceled?”

Edward hesitated. “One of our key players had to take leave.” That key player was him.

From a distance away. Jamie glanced at his younger brother and then at Freya.

Landon continued questioning Jamie, “Mr. Fraser, you mentioned a trading company. Do you mind mentioning it more specifically?”

Since he usually worked on the frontlines at The Green Flamation forum and had experienced many life- or-death situations, he had a very sharp intuition.

Ever since he met Jamie, he could sense the other was no ordinary person, so he kept asking questions so that he could ensure Freya’s safety.

Freya looked at the atmosphere at the dining table and silently glanced at Braxton.

Braxton was still talking to Ayden.

Only Matthew had some free time. Even while causing mischief, he didn’t forget about Freya. “Frey, have some juice,”

Freya took the juice handed to her. “Thank you.”

As the waiter came in with the food, the atmosphere at the table finally became somewhat normal.

while Braxton peeled a shrimp for her. “Mr. Lane also visited you while

old. I’m afraid he won’t

inviting Trisha as well. Based on the atmosphere at the table just

organize another gathering tomorrow and invite Dr. Griffiths and Mr. Lane. They’re all up there in age, so they will have more common topics

smiled. “Sure. You’re becoming more mature

meal, Matthew received a phone call and went to the balcony to answer

air. When she reached the balcony, she heard a cold voice coming

you all not interfere too much in

It was Matthew’s voice.

in the shadows of the balcony. Matthew had his back to her, holding a cigarette between

looked very lonely. “I never wanted to take over the Hood Group, and I wasn’t your

favored his younger brother, and only after his brother’s death did he reluctantly

few steps forward, Freya wanted to comfort

she approached, she heard a faint voice coming from

not accept a divorced woman

was Tripp’s

Maybe I

were always so polite when meeting with Braxton, but now you’re badmouthing his sister behind his back? When the Monaghan Group attacked the Hood Group, you wanted our family to be on good terms

as Freya was about to leave, the

she saw his cold

up the phone,

here? Is it

out for some fresh

“It’s chilly at night. You shouldn’t

eyebrows, Freya looked at the anxious


“What’s the matter?”

lips. “You can explain

and then turned around while laughing suddenly. “Why? Is it because of what Radley did to

brows. “Our original agreement was to put

for a moment, lost in

together recently, she

a playboy, he was a loyal

idea of having Matthew pretend to be the child’s father in the first

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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