No Way Back

No Way Back By Anna Mac Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Madelyn Kneeling Down

The scene after hanging up the phone was bizarre.

The expressions on Jack and Anna’s faces, as well as Peter’s, were all those of extreme embarrassment.

That was mainly because they had just falsely accused Jane.

After careful consideration, they realized that there were indeed many loopholes in Richard’s words. They only found a small amount of evidence. Still, they used it to fabricate an accusation that Jane was intentionally spreading rumors to coerce the Fowler family into recognizing her as the true heiress.

It was still their underlying mistrust of Jane and too much favoring of Madelyn that had caused the whole fuss.

Every time they saw Madelyn sad and upset, they immediately lost their cool.

“Janie, I’m really sorry. Daddy and they lost their cool when they realized I was too upset. This is all my fault. Only if I hadn’t joined this family!” Madelyn sobbed.

She broke the silence and the awkwardness when she walked over to Jane, tears in her eyes, and prepared to kneel before her.

“Maddie, what are you doing?” Peter, who was the closest to them, quickly yelled as he pulled Madelyn up. Madelyn, however, had a firm resolve and knelt, saying, “Peter, I have to do this. This is my fault, and I won’t get up if Jannie doesn’t forgive us!”

Madelyn dropped to her knees on the ground with a dull thud.

Tears kept falling from her cheeks.

“Maddie, what are you doing? Get up quickly!” Jack yelled.

Jack and Anna quickly went to help Madelyn, who had collapsed on the ground.

They were profoundly moved by Madelyn’s efforts to be a good daughter.

At that moment, any remaining doubts about Madelyn in their hearts vanished without a trace.

They knew that it was impossible for such a kind, selfless person who always thought of the Fowler family to devise such a terrible scheme.

Thus, they firmly believed that it must be someone else.

“Jane, we owe you an apology. Don’t worry. I will find out who is behind this and make them pay for what they have done. I can’t believe they were trying to hurt my family!” Jack said, furious at the thought of someone trying to sow discord in his family.

“Anyone who dares to tarnish the Fowler family’s reputation will have me to deal with,” he added, gritting his teeth. This kind of scheming was something that Jack could not tolerate.

Above all else, Jack prioritized maintaining peace in his family.

“Owing me an apology?” Jane laughed as if she had heard the biggest joke in the world.

that she couldn’t hold her tears, and her

eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he asked, “Why

laughing, for what Jack said was the greatest

of defending his biological daughter, Jack had sided with

Jane, all because he was afraid she would come back and take away everything that belonged to

Jack to develop prejudice, and he began making false accusations


father like that, Jane certainly

the so–called family love, but

intend to apologize to me in any way. Also, you’re too old and blind to even think of finding the mastermind behind all this.” Jane spoke these cruel words without a


sense of release because she was finally letting out pent–up emotions she had been

a bullet for Jack, only to be abandoned in the hospital to fend for herself while she struggled to stay alive after the incident. Then, she remembered the many years this

final kick that had sent her tumbling down

accumulation of all of these grudges and resentments, Jane felt a

It wasn’t enough, however.

that Jane would express herself

whether she’d gone completely insane. Jane had lost all of her

“What did you say? I’m your father! How dare you talk to

mistake, but I said I’d apologize to you. What makes

been afraid of his wife

now, he felt like Jane

your father. Apologize to him now!” Anna

years, Anna had carried around a sense of guilt regarding Jane, but now she saw her

daughter she had given birth to, who had been wandering

want such

father. I will not apologize, and I do not accept or want your apologies,” Jane

spoke those words in a single


be told, speaking out like that to the Fowler family wasn’t difficult for

her own clinging to familial bonds,

she didn’t want a family like this. She tried to set

he was so enraged

for feeling guilty for falsely accusing Jane

believe he had a daughter who was so petty and

great shame for

you, would that not make you feel better? Then I’ll leave the Fowlers and vanish somewhere far away. I’ll give back

Fowler family, and I’ll let bygones be bygones. You just said that

was shocked and speechless, unable to believe that Jane had actually

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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