Obsessed CEO Throws Himself at Me Chapter 465

Who knew her heart would pound so quickly when she saw Vinson?

The resentment she had felt for not being able to contact Vinson for several days vanished the moment he appeared in front of her.

What is going on with me?

Arielle returned to her seat, and her gaze unconsciously drawn to the outside of the classroom.

It was just that the classroom door would close automatically, and she could only see Vinson walk out the front door.

Vinson was staring coldly at Donovan outside the door, and Donovan’s confidence was gradually eroding by his gaze.

What a terrifying and powerful man. I can’t raise my head because he’s staring at me. How does this dandy have such a menacing gaze?

right?” Vinson’s gaze was finally drawn to Donovan, and without waiting for him to respond, he said once more, “An eighteenth-year Maxwell University graduate student that has yet to receive the graduation certificate… Does this imply that none of the students you taught last year

was stunned and terrified as

figure out

students, but he would not say

that moment, Donovan was

you investigate me? What do you intend to do?” He was trying to remain calm, but his voice was

that once the news of him not receiving his graduation certificate was made known to his students, he would be looked down

Vinson, you treacherous man!

anything. It’s just a friendly nudge. Arielle must be the most qualified of your students. You should not consider ways to drive her away from the university if you are wise. Instead,

said, “She is nothing more than your bed partner. You don’t need to make so many excuses for

that to me again.” Vinson’s gaze shifted


Vinson glanced at him and said, “If I find out that you want to drive her away again, you will no longer be able

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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