Obsessed CEO Throws Himself at Me Chapter 484

Although Vinson had done something embarrassing, for some reason, he felt elated.

Looking at his expression, the shop assistant could not help but smile. “You called your girlfriend, right? What did she say?”

“She wants a 240 length.”

“All right!” With that, the shop assistant immediately took the sanitary pad to Vinson.

He scrutinized it for a moment and asked, “How can I know the length of it?”

The shop assistant was stunned upon hearing that. After snapping back to her senses, she instantly explained, “You can look at the right bottom corner. There is a table for length. The symbol of sun means for day use…”

After a few moments of explanation, Vinson could fully understand the packaging and nodded. “I’ll pay for it now.”

In the auditorium, Wendy tested the piano by playing a few bars. She moved her fingers swiftly over the piano, and a harmonious melody filled the air.

was pure

center of attention tonight! Besides, I

the freshman party, clapped her hands vigorously and exclaimed, “The combination of Sennhein and your

on a faint

on his way here. Do set up a few seats for them and arrange for a lecturer to accompany them. We must

all the lecturers widened their

he being ranked as the most outstanding musician last

gone to his concert previously, but I can’t get his signature. I must

Brown, you’re so amazing! We didn’t expect you to give us

his hands. “Oh no, no! It’s not

and said, “Mrs. Nightshire, didn’t you mention that you want to listen

a smile and walked



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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