Archer had already considered Lamont's assumption of the situation .

If William was really the president of the Wolf Group, then he really had only one purpose to get close to Valeria.

However, they had been together for so long, and William had been helping her the whole time.

So far, he had not seen him do anything bad to Valeria.

"Perhaps he did get close to her for revenge.But we can't rule out the possibility that he fell in love with her in the process.Valeria is so simple.She can't even fend for herself against Ronald, so how would she be able to do so against William? If he wanted to plot against her, he would have done it a long time ago.He wouldn't have waited until now."

Lamont understood what he meant.

If that was the case, then this would be good news.

However, Lamont did not dare to let his guard down.

"I hope that's the reality, but we can't ignore the worst- case scenario.We have to prepare ourselves in order to face unexpected situations, right?"

After Lamont hung up the phone, he lit a cigarette and took two puffs.

Then, Braelynn came downstairs and took the cigarette away from him.

She said, "Dad, smoking is harmful to you."

"I know! I only took two puffs so far."

He smiled helplessly.

"Two puffs are harmful enough!"

She handed him candy from the table and said, "Eat this when you want to smoke in the future."

He took the candy and put it into his mouth.

Looking at her elegant and refined face, he thought of how Richard had treated her that evening and immediately asked, "Braelynn, what was the meaning of Richard's behavior towards you this evening?"

"Who knows? Isn't he always flirty? I think he treats everyone like that."

"As long as you're clear about that.Richard's player reputation is comparable to William's, but William seems to be tamed nowadays.Richard, on the other hand, is not.So, you should keep your distance from him"

"Dad, don't worry.I am not interested in him."

replied with a smile "You're not interested in him, but he's interested in you! As the

when you

worry.I won't get played.Anyway, I have learned some martial arts from you.If Richard dares

was relieved after hearing her

getting late.Go


her watch and

tomorrow: Braelynn said good night

I have something to

a late hour? Needless to say, it was just idle

approaching her, and at night, he kept texting

to say, she knew that she was his

furious, so she ignored

for a long time, but he still

and sent a message to

refuse your physical advances but ignores

you? Aren't you the best at flirting? You can't even handle such

William retorted sarcastically.

afraid of Lamont.His beatings are extraordinary.If I was beaten by him, I would not be able to get out of bed for three months.So, for safety's sake, I have to think of a perfect

William burst into laughter.

take it

do I take it

a collaboration with the Brownard Group? Why don't you just go talk about

been with all kinds of women, and I don’ t believe that I won't get you.I'll use business as an


rushed to the Brownard Group with the excuse that he was going

personally greeted Richard, and they talked for a while in the guest room.He squinted

this.Let Vice President

that he wanted to hit on Braelynn, so she said, "Braelynn is busy now.I know that I don't understand all of it, but I can learn

do this.Listen

glanced at Richard

so he must be busy.He probably did not have time to talk nonsense with her, so

since Richard thought that she was ignorant, she would just

when he

you have anything else to do?

I want

He had a headache.

third-wheeling them? He sent a message to William, "Lure your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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