Chapter 331

Olivia lazed around on the island for a few days. She did nothing but sleep and eat the whole time. The quality of her life improved immensely.

She walked around the beach barefooted while carrying a bucket in hand. She would grab any sand crabs she saw with tongs.

Snowball wanted to help her, but the sand was too hot for her, so she moved away.

Olivia went to the livestock area after she had caught quite a few sand crabs. She poured the sand carbs out, which caused the farm animals to chase after them.

Her mood improved as she looked at the lively animals. Then, she went back to her room to shower in preparation for dinner.

She happened to get a call from Colin.

“Olivia, how have you been?”

and sleeping well. I don’t have to

arrived at the destination safely. The doctors

words alleviated Olivia’s worries. She quickly asked, “Colin, have you

Fordham needs to undergo some preparations before the surgery. It’ll be about two weeks before he can go through with

risky operation. I’d like to be

in Olivia’s mind. She was

through your signal. It didn’t work. The source of your signal has been deliberately concealed.


worry, Olivia. I’ll go take care of Mr. Fordham personally in a few days. I’ll

“Thanks, Colin.”

to me, Olivia. I’ve been feeling guilty for failing to bring you away. Don’t be afraid. I’ll not let him catch

the pills I gave you on time. As long as you don’t

the setting sun after she hung up. Colin’s words encouraged her, helping her refocus

believe that things would

to be by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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