Chapter 391

The castle-like mansion was massive and empty, so empty that one could hear his footsteps echoing against the walls.

It was late at night. There were a few ancient wall lamps lit up, barely lighting up the darkness.

A piano sound broke the silence, filling the mansion. It was the famous song “The Dream Wedding”.

Listening to the song in an eerie castle in the middle of the night was scary. It would’ve been a relaxing song if it was played in any other venues.

Accompanied by the song, Chris ascended the stairs.

He found it odd to meet up with the mysterious leader of Toxic Hive this way.

Ethan, who was forced to stay in the yard, hid under the roof. He knew where the nearby

surveillance cameras were.

Hacking a surveillance camera was easy for him. It took him a few minutes to dysfunction


The only scene that was shown on the surveillance footage should be the original scene.

Ethan, who had observed the castle’s structure, sneaked into the first floor through a pipeline.

black panther, he moved his way through

the roof. The only daring person to play piano at

built underground, so


underground of the mansion was spacious. The width was at least one thousand square

footsteps, he hurriedly hid in the

see a man and a woman leaving

heard the woman saying, “Why is Mr. Y here at this hour? Madam told us not to disturb her. Begonia

nothing else we can do. Just bite the bullet and escort

Chapter 391



while wondering who Mr.

is here.

be the person whom he had been looking for over ten years?

sadness when

the lower the temperature dipped and the


was just a temporary hideout because they didn’t install an

was why he could sneak into the place

several rooms on every floor. The upper

lower floors were laboratories.

Ethan walked to the end of the

highly possible that the person he was looking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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