Once Upon Series

CHAPTER 1 Part 1 – Once Upon a Baby

Katie blew out another breath as she tried to squeeze into her jeans, but it was pointless. There was no way they were going on. Ripping them off her legs, Katie threw them onto the increasing pile of things that she could no longer wear.

Trying not let it get the best of her, she turned back to her closet.

“Kat get your butt down here! We are going to be late for school!” her older brother Liam bellowed from the kitchen.

“I’m not going!” Katie knew she sounded like a two-year-old. But how many seventeen-year-old girls out there were dealing with a pregnant belly?

Katie could hear Cole, Liam’s best friend’s rumbly voice. That was perfect. She only needed more witnesses to her humiliation.

“Katie-cat,” Cole’s voice was just outside of her door. “What is the problem? Are you feeling sick again?”

Most of Katie’s first trimester had been hellish. Whoever named it morning sickness, is a complete numbskull. It was an all day, every day, puke fest.

Katie had even lost five pounds on her small frame. The doctor had been concerned and even pulled Liam in to speak with him about it.

“I’m fine, Cole,” Katie yelled through the door.

“If you are fine, I’m coming in.”

standing there in her underwear. Screeching she grabbed a

the hell, Cole? I’m

that had hit his friend Liam younger sister’s room. He wasn’t even sure he could see the floor. Raising

invited to a toga party I wasn’t aware

her eyes, “I wasn’t dressed.”

you run naked across

been best friends with Liam for as long as Katie could remember.

and Katie’s parents were struck in a hit and run accident a year ago, Liam had been eighteen and was able to keep Katie, a minor, living with

the yard for over ten years,” Katie frowned at Cole.

Cole stretched his arms over his head, showing a slice of his washboard abs. Katie couldn’t help a wave of lust shooting through her. Stupid second trimester, it was causing havoc

panties in a

pinching behind her eyes, those damn hormones! “Nothing fits, and I am not going to school in a blanket.”

that people thought she was a slut because she was seventeen and pregnant. Friends that she had known for years completely dropped her. It wasn’t a secret that Katie got a little wild after her parents passed. Everyone deals with grief in their own way.

her bedroom doorway.

“Fashion crisis,” Cole quipped.

him, preferably a spiked heel. “Nothing fits, I’m not

pile. “If you didn’t insist on wearing those damn

now. I will

hell,” Cole went over to Katie and awkwardly patted her head. “Can we skip today and

could be. And this pregnancy thing threw in a wild card that he had no

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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