One Meet By Chance

Chapter 519 Communication (Part One)

But Teresa didn't turn around and she just directly went to the bathroom to wash up. The two of them were entangled with each other because of the matter of the last generation. Maybe they would never be able to get rid of each other for the rest of their lives.

In other words, it was Enrique who didn't want Teresa to leave. They hadn't communicated with each other for a long time, and they never went through a real communication. Even now, he still didn't know whether Teresa's heart was on his or not.

When Teresa came out of the bathroom, she saw that Enrique was leaning against the bed, with a French book in his hand. Although she knew a few French words, it was impossible for her to read French book smoothly.

Reading every night seemed to be a necessity for Enrique before going to bed. Teresa guessed that if he was not allowed to read one day, he would feel uncomfortable all over.

"Have you finished?"

Putting down the book in his hand, Enrique turned his head to look at Teresa. Teresa nodded slightly. Every time there were only the two of them left, the atmosphere was always strange, especially these two days.

Teresa had something on her mind. She was thinking about the matter of Ives. Today's confrontation made her feel that there was something strange about what happened then. According to what Ives said, he and her mother loved each other.

But because of the obstruction of Jeffrey and the involvement of Albert and Harris, they were not together in the end. In fact, Teresa was wondering why? Since they loved each other so much, why didn't they elope?

Was it because Ives couldn't let go of the assets he had in the past? Or was he lying? But there was no need for Albert and Harris to lie to her. So, it was really confusing.

"Are you thinking about something?"

on the edge of the bed


came to her senses, she found it was


Enrique was always a man of many thoughts. Teresa was afraid that the more

he force her to stand by him using the custody of the two children as a threat? Or

may be true, so he hates the Shen Family and the Gu Family so much. However,

Being held in the arms of Enrique, she didn't dare to move, but Enrique could clearly feel the stiffness

no contradiction between them. She did not say it, because she was afraid of him. This was what he hoped in the past. But now, after getting

marriage certificate, my purpose was very simple. I wanted to imprison you by my side and torture you for

arms of Enrique. But her body had gradually relaxed. Why

how Enrique treated her, because the Gu Family was in the hands of the Enrique, and

Enrique seemed to have changed, and his whole body

she was afraid that when she fell in love with a warm man like before,

past, one by one, seemed to be imprinted on her heart. They could not be erased. She was afraid that all

ruthlessness, for your unintentionalness, for letting me struggle in the mire of love alone. But Teresa, when Lydia appeared in our life, I saw

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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