One Night Surprise

Chapter 1: What? I’m Pregnant?

It’s hot. I feel so hot…

Courtney wondered if it was because she had drunk too much as she felt hot all over. Then, she vaguely heard what she thought was the sound of the door being pushed open.

When she forced herself to open her eyes and look toward the only light source, she saw a few people standing perfectly straight at the door with reverence. They were greeting a tall and erect figure that was walking toward them from the other end of the red carpet.

The man’s long legs came to a stop before he asked in a cold voice, “Have you confirmed that she’s clean?”

“Yes, Master.”What are they saying? Who is that guy? Is he Isaac?Courtney wanted to open her eyes wide to see the man carefully, but the room to the door was closed. Now, she couldn’t see anything clearly; she could only hear the sound of someone’s footsteps approaching her bed.

Suddenly, a body with ice-cold skin leaned over her, and she couldn’t help clinging to him. The man’s body tensed up while lust flooded his eyes. Kissing her red lips precisely in the darkness, he turned over and pressed his body onto hers, gaining the advantage over her.

cried out in pain as her body arched. “It hurts, Isaac… Isaac… Can you not be together with

a woman called

unfamiliar voice brought Courtney to her senses.He isn’t Isaac! That’s right—Isaac has hooked up with that so-called bestie of mine, so how

the man with all her might. He let out a grunt as her sharp fingernails seemed to have scratched his neck, and she

her. The increasingly passionate voices of a man and a woman could be frequently

bodyguards who guarded the door still

Courtney’s body was drenched with sweat as she woke up with a start. It was a bright sunny day outside, yet her slim back was covered in a cold sweat.I actually dreamed of that night again!Courtney breathed heavily while wiping the sweat off her face. She recalled the man’s deep voice, his icy chest,

upon the affair between her boyfriend and bestie. As a result, someone drugged her drink, and she was taken

cheeks burned. Not daring to think deeper, she hurriedly changed her clothes. While she was busy with her report in the laboratory, her junior came back with her lunch, and

her uncompleted experiment behind, Courtney rushed to the restroom

reaction, Courtney, could you be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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