One Night Surprise

One Night Surprise Chapter 281

Chapter 281 Are You Done?

While listening to Casey, Courtney saw a figure from the corner of her eyes. The once familiar figure looks so foreign now.

Isaac was standing at the corner of the banquet hall. His arm was wrapped around the waist of a petite young woman—she was most probably the female anchor whom Casey was talking about.

Shay saw the two of them as well, but he scowled deeply. “Isn’t that Eva Reed?”

“Do you know her?” Courtney asked.

“She is working in the same company as I am, but she is an online streamer. The company doesn’t seem to value her since they do not intend to provide her with any targeted training. Usually, employees like that will not have their contract renewed.”

“How long is her contract?” She asked out of curiosity.

“Ten years.”

“Wouldn’t she be wasting ten years of her youth?” Courtney was in shock. “Even if they refuse to renew her contract after ten years, she can’t possibly continue in the same industry, can she? They are clearly exploiting her!”

“The bully exploiting her is right here.” Shay pouted at Casey. “Artist contracts within the AW Group start at a minimum of ten years. The money that one has to compensate is exorbitant if they were to break the contract. Those who are underappreciated, like Eva Reed, would have no choice but to do everything they can to look for a patron. Otherwise, with the measly salary from the company and commission through online streaming, it is impossible for her to afford two purses.”

Courtney glanced at Casey when she heard that. Then, she turned to ask Shay, “Well, in that case, do you have to look for a patron if you are being underappreciated?”

Casey’s gaze immediately darkened.

She acted as though she had not noticed it. In fact, she shoved Alexander forward. “I’ll lend him to you when the time comes. He can be your patron—what do you think?”

considerate toward me.” Shay blinked his eyes a

could finish speaking, Casey dragged him

you doing? I

of giggles as she saw the two of them walking away. “Oh, my! I have a feeling

hand, feel that Shay

did not have a

I don’t feel so good. Can you please accompany me to the washroom?” Eva held onto Isaac’s

around her waist. “Are you

I be afraid of her? I just don’t want to embarrass you. That mad woman of yours doesn’t care about your dignity when she loses her mind. It is bad for your

one. Do you truly need to use the

I need to

in a trance as he stared at the woman in front of him acting coyly. “Sure! Let’s

live a peaceful life after experiencing so much with Vanessa, especially after being married to her for half a year. However, she has been filled with suspicions ever since she had a miscarriage. She keeps tabs on my work—day and night; it is almost giving me a nervous breakdown. I met Eva in a bar when

locked the bathroom door from inside with a click, he snapped back to reality when he heard the door shut. He observed his surroundings while frowning

around his neck while dragging him into one of the cubicles. She whispered seductively, “Isaac,

that, but his first reaction was to shove her away. “Stop fooling around. This is a cocktail party by

because I’ve locked the door.” With that, Eva pushed him to sit on the toilet seat before impatiently unzipping

at that point. He seemed to have lost himself once he looked up into

sounds of the couple as the passionate sound of their skin slapping against each other reverberated throughout

evening gown was dragging on the floor and the originally beautiful woman wore a frosty expression.

she shrunk against Isaac’s arms

drained from Isaac’s face as well. However, his expression darkened when he caught sight of the woman standing in front of them. He wore his pants before blocking Eva by standing in front of her. “Vanessa, what are you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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