One Night Surprise

One Night Surprise Chapter 341

Chapter 341 Owe Her an Apology

Ever since she was a child, besides her grandfather, no other family member had shown Courtney love and care. When she was young, Alicia would always treat her coldly, so her only sense of familial affection was from her grandfather.

Scott was an indifferent and serious person—which was completely different from the loving person that Courtney’s grandfather was—but deep down, he was an elder who deeply cared for the younger generation.

Although the meal didn’t end on a good note, Scott didn’t have many unspoken worries, and when he left with the kids, he even told Courtney not to take it to heart.

She didn’t want to take it to heart, but she was afraid that the strong-willed Alicia had already taken it personally.

Late at night, the bedroom was filled with the fragrance of shower gel.

Alexander got into bed after taking a shower and had casually picked up the financial magazine beside his bed to pass the time.

A sigh sounded from beside him.

Still looking at the magazine, Alexander chuckled and said, “You’re not still brooding about dinner, are you? In fact, you’re not close with your Uncle Stephen and his family, so it’s fine if you don’t keep in touch with them in the future.”

“I’ll be a pig if I have any more contact with them.”

Courtney turned over and looked up at Alexander. “I’m worried about Aunt Alicia. She must be furious now, and I don’t know what thoughts she would have after going back. She’s already suffering from high blood pressure.”

“She’ll be fine. If you’re really worried, just go visit her tomorrow.”

“I’ll definitely go back to check on her.”

Courtney let out another sigh. “I still have a bad feeling, though.”

At this point, Alexander couldn’t continue reading the magazine anymore, so he simply put the book back on the bedside table and hugged Courtney before laying under the blanket together.

“Don’t think about it anymore. Get some sleep.”

marry into the Duncan Family, but her aunt didn’t know about her relationship with Alexander. She always felt that

call for much concern. Instead, the thing

something I need to tell

for a long

chin on her shoulder and replied lightly,

“About Jordan’s birth…”

around her

while, Alexander’s low voice

didn’t do the proper thing in the past. You don’t have to think about Jordan’s birth. I don’t

time. Everything had happened consecutively, and he didn’t have time to explain to her, so he truly owed her

the other

made it hard

happened to Belle after that? What did she say after

back of her head and spoke casually. “I left it to Josh to

heart tightened. “What are you going to do

so much about that woman?” Alexander’s voice contained

held her breath. “I was

the blanket up. “I’m sleepy. Let’s sleep. I’ll go to Aunt

hearing this, Alexander turned off the light and said

steady breathing sound around her and felt the steady beating of a heart on her back.

her lies were snowballing, she

so she

like it would during the day, with men and

stood in front of the electronic screen wearing a gaudy fishnet garter while singing a song

thin man

man’s eyes were a little sinister. “You dance well. You’re very suitable to be

you, Director Braun.” Britney hurriedly straightened up and bowed to the man, a smile plastered on her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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