One Night Surprise

One Night Surprise Chapter 386

Chapter 386 Nuts

Courtney then fondled her daughter’s head, comforting, “Wait a little longer, Tina. Once the court hearing in ten days is finished, Mommy will bring you back to America, and you’ll get to go wherever you wanna go.”

Tina was dumbfounded. Mommy’s going to bring me back to America? If she does, I won’t get to see Jordan and Daddy anymore! I can’t let that happen!

The next morning, the security guard in the security room in front of Twin Peaks Manor was yawning. All of a sudden, he caught a “giant carrot” tipping its toe, trying to reach the room’s door knob.

Seeing that, he opened the door, leaving no support to the “giant carrot” that eventually tripped into the room. Luckily, the guard was swift enough and grabbed it. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Thank you, Mister.” Turned out, it was Tina sporting her tangerine Sapphire Kindergarten uniform and a matching hat with a logo of a green bean sprout. With her backpack strapped behind her, she looked at the guard with her big, shining eyes. “I’m getting late for school, Mister. Can you open the gates for me, please?”

The guard smilingly looked at the little girl, thinking how good-looking must her parents be to give birth to a girl with such a dolly look. He then nodded. “Sure I can!”

As such, Tina was thrilled. That was easy.

The guard turned around and started pressing buttons on the computer. As he was working the device, he suddenly frowned, turning around to ask, “Are you going to school alone? That’s very brave of you, but don’t your parents get worried?”

Tina confidently replied, “My parents get busy with work, Mister, so I always go to school by myself. Don’t you also have no time to send your daughter off to school, Mister? We’ve grown up, and it’s time we knew how to take care of ourselves.”

Hearing that, the guard thoughtfully nodded and couldn’t help but agree to her words. As the security guard of Twin Peaks Manor, he had to manage the entire security of the manor all year long, and could only get to see his family when it was shift holiday. “What a smart girl,” he praised, beaming. Then, he pressed on a button, opening the gates before escorting Tina to the bus stop. “Be careful, girl.”

“Goodbye, Mister.”

nodded and happily headed back to the security room, which was when another guard of

saw you talking

gates for her so she can go to school. I

children in?” The second guard suspiciously scratched his

though. All the butlers and maids are living with their family here,


said nothing more

signboard of Sapphire Kindergarten. She took a deep breath before walking toward it. All I have to do is look for Jordan and ask about what happened. Daddy and Mommy love each other. There must

a child, she knew how to defend

close to nine o’clock, a familiar black sedan stopped in

and grabbed her backpack, storming out the

flashing red, and Tina attempted to shout at him from

only Harry who walked into the school. Is Jordan…

board of directors was holding a contingency conference due to the fluctuation in

onto the table. “This is what you’ve

Ever since the mid-winter holiday, their boss had been consistently irked. Every day, there were always people who were reprimanded by the president. And just within two weeks, the manager of the Planning Department had been replaced three times. Basically, anyone who dared to

need scrap in my company.” His speech, although not loud and heavy, was overbearing. Every single word of his

Josh entered the office and interrupted the conference. “A call

here?” Alexander glared at him. “I’ll

Josh was about to add something, Alexander was already reading his documents and listing out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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